Nov 01, 2005 20:06
yes went trick er treating with andrew
WE WERE DAISY DUKE (lol thanks for the shorts amy)
then yea got sum candy didnt get raped at all but sum people touched my E boobs
(THEY WERE HUGE like as big as my face)
yes then ummmm oh yea yesterday basketball tryouts started and it was very tiring and im sore on my legs cuz im out of shape and i hurt both my hips from people goin under me when i have a wide open fast break lay up so yea they hurt
hmmmmm today more tryouts yea i got stuck with crappy people again and we had to teach them plays watevr
yea then hmmmm went up for a rebound and then kinda got hit in the head really hard with sum1 else's head no idea who cuz i blacked out then fell hit the ground and opened my eyes so i could c again i guess mr austin said i got a minor concussion no biggy but i sat out for the last 10 minutes then shot free throws
then he cut like 12 people jamar didnt make it and neither did scottie i felt bad for scottie tho
so yea my head kinda has like on and off headaches but its all good now cuz i can say my name and mr austin's (hah he checked to see if i could)
stephanies still mad at me :( i dont kno wat i can do i guess nothing so im screwed
now katelyns mad at me i think (but i dont kno) cuz raquel told me to go die so i said yea and wat if i went home and killed myself tonight wat would u do and she said she'd laugh and i guess katelyn got mad at me cuz i asked raquel wat she would do if i KILLED MYSELF so i think shes mad at about that
basketball tryouts again tomorrow i hope i make the team ..........................................................or ill cry
thats it for now bye