Nov 16, 2005 11:29
What the hell, I'll update.
School is busy as all hell. I've got an exam tomorrow morning, the huge mass teachers' license exam this weekend, a take home exam to turn in beginning of next week along with a 7 pg paper and a 3 pg paper and a few other random things. But thats just this week. I'll be student teaching in the spring, so that's crazy too.
I'll be going to work during Thanksgiving as well. I know it sounds crappy but it's not all that bad. Considering I go in at 5 and get out at 1:30 and I've got the rest of the day. Plus I REALLY need the money right now. Yeha, it sucks.
The sorority is doing well. We're up to 30 active members right now. With 4 more waiting in the wings (so to speak). I'm waiting for more elections to take place next week so I can run. I'm running for Risk Management and Alumni Chairs. So good for me huh? Lol. Other than that, the officer elections went well. If you actually read this drivel and are interested, ask and I'll tell you who each officer is. If not, just take my word and know it went pretty well.
On another front, I miss Andrew wicked bad already. He's only finishing of AIT (advanced individual training) and has got about a month left. Its not too long now so I'm excited to see him. I just don't even know what I'm gonna do with myself when he gets deployed. Yeah. I know. I can't help it. In the meantime, I'm just gonna enjoy the time I get with him and make it the best. It's all I really can do in all honesty.
My own health has been sucking a lot of ass this year. I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to stay healthy for more than 2 weeks at a time. It's just a round-robin of sickness on this campus. It's disgusting really.
The family is doing well as far as I can tell. It's always crazy trying to figure out whats going on at home when I'm here at school. And my mother wonders why I draw a blank face when she starts updating me on situations she's never told me about in the first place... lol.
Anyway, off to attempt to do more work... UGH.