(no subject)

Dec 12, 2004 10:53

My Mom arrived on Friday this weekend. She got here and the whole atmosphere of the apartment changed. All of a sudden there was this intense negativity flowing through everybody.

My dad, for the past few months, has been leeching onto me, trying to bond with me, trying to strike up conversations, etc. because he hasn't had anyone else. It struck me as odd that he would do this at all, especially since we've never been particularly close, but whatever. So now that Mom is here, he can cut the fake-nice bullshit and be who he really is, one big prick. The whole weekend my Dad has been trying to assert himself as he Man of the House, like some barbaric show to woo my mother back into his graces. I don't get it. It's weird.

So anyway, we went out to a little Pizzaria on Friday, and yesterday we ate ate with the Carabinieri soldiers at their dining hall (where the food is very good and super cheap). After we went shopping, but didn't buy anything. Apparently, you can go shopping and not buy anything. As to what the point of this is I'm not certain but whatever.

Today, we went to church. Again. I really dislike going to church in general, but especially to this church. It's a mockery of a traditional service, and it's a total waste of my time, but my parents continue to force me to go, no matter what I do/say/think. I think that they believe that if I hear a message so many times all of a sudden I will just change and be their perfect little christian boy. hahahahahahaha as if.

In other news, on Friday I found out that I was accepted into the Creative Connections program for visual art. I get to spend a week in Obervesel, Germany from February 20-25 learning how to work with Oil Pastels. Awesome. Tons of kids apply from all over europe, but only 150 are accepted and I got accepted. I hope I made the right choice wih Oil Pasels; I wanted to do something that I had never done or was really inexperienced with, and this sounded fun. If it's not I'm going to want my 200 Euro back.

Have to go. e're about to eat brunch, then after that we're going to the monstrous Ikea store in Afragola to pick up some shelves or something. Leave me some love <3.
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