Jan 10, 2010 23:27
apfelwein / cider
about 50 apples and 5 pears in my brand new juicer!!! (only made <2 gallons of juice)
3 gallons of pasteurized store bought apple juice
1# brown sugar
1 safale-04 english ale yeast
Total volume around 4.5 gallons. The juiced stuff was boiled then cooled, combined with other ingredients, and yeast pitched to the juice at 76dF. Left at room temperature to ferment away. How will fresh apples affect the cider? ... only time will tell. (dramatic music)
Still fermenting, slowly, but surely with every swirl of the fermenter. Needs some more time, probably due to the cold temperatures right now.
Bottled today, after noticing no more bubbles coming out upon shaking the fermenter. Tasting it revealed a tart, dry, full bodied cider. Two weeks in the bottle and it should be ready to drink--exciting!
Tried several bottles over the last few days. Strong and tart flavor, and somewhat heavy on the alcohol content, but very much drinkable.