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issy5209 March 13 2013, 10:51:50 UTC
*flails on command*


rocknvaughn March 13 2013, 10:54:28 UTC
Yeah, this just fit my mood today... (is writing porn) *waggles eyebrows*


jelazakazone March 13 2013, 12:21:45 UTC
Fuck, yeah, I'd say. I can't seem to stop writing porn. Must not write porn today and work on PL. <3 <3


bunnysworld March 13 2013, 12:24:35 UTC
your PL has no porn? *lipwobbles*


jelazakazone March 13 2013, 12:43:32 UTC
No no! My PL will have porn. I'm only working on the beginning, where there is no porn. *shudders at the thought of kids having sex*

I am pleased that you like my porn and want to read it though!


bunnysworld March 13 2013, 12:46:23 UTC
Phew, for a moment I thought your PL has no porn! ;)


jelazakazone March 13 2013, 12:47:27 UTC
Heh. Well, my merlin_holidays fic had no porn and I got sad that no one was reading it and maybe I'm overdoing it, but I've been writing a lot of porn since then. *shakes fist at fandom and laughs*

(Not like anyone is going to read my PL either because it's Mordred-centric and the end pairing is Merlin/Mordred/Arthur -- shocking coming from me:D)


roisindubh36 March 13 2013, 22:46:58 UTC
Have no fear, I will read it!


jelazakazone March 13 2013, 22:51:13 UTC
Thanks for the enthusiasm! At this point, I have no idea how I'm going to hit 30K, but it will be fun trying!


issy5209 March 13 2013, 20:46:15 UTC
*nods* it would certainly help with inspiration!


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