FOTS Daily Post

Mar 05, 2013 07:57

Random Drive By Posting
(and a mini freak out...)

Just thought I'd put up a post to let people know that I am still in the land of the living. Am finally, finally getting over a ridiculously long cold I had. (Thank was long past time) Have been working a lot of hours of late, as well.

Without further ado, here's some Colin and Bradley OTP goodness:

Ah, those boys crack me up!

I wouldn't mind going to Glasgow right about now, though. I have my Camelot Remix due on Sunday. Uh, yeah. I'm totally panicking about getting it done on time (and have it not be like crap).

Throw me some love so I don't have a nervous breakdown? Thank you! <3

my awesome lj friends are awesome!, i must be crazy!, fellowship of the stick, rl, camelot remix, fan fiction, colin morgan

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