FOTS Daily Post

Feb 09, 2013 08:47

Winter Wonderland, Part Deux
(The Wild and Wooly Edition)

Hee! I love Arthur's little surreptitious head bob toward Merlin when Ragnor demands to know who knocked the supplies out of the cart! ROFL! Colin found that very amusing when he watched the episode with Alex during the commentary shoot. He didn't know that Bradley had done that until Alex pointed it out!

And here is my current situation. As I mentioned yesterday, I am in the path of Winter Storm Nemo, otherwise known as the Blizzard of '13.
Yesterday at this time, we had bare ground.
This morning, I woke up to this:

Have not gone out and measured how much snow we have so far, but it is basically almost up to the hood of my car all around,
even though there's been quite a bit of drifting. Certainly, it covers the wheel wells completely.
And it's still snowing! It's not supposed to stop until sometime this afternoon. But so far we still have power, so I'm happy!

*Squee Alert!*

I am going to London!
Got tickets to see Colin in The Tempest on June 28th and 29th AND I'm going to the Q & A session they are having post show on the 29th!! 
This will be my first trip to Europe and I've always wanted to go.
SO excited...I can't even tell you!

fellowship of the stick, so excited rn!, crapload of snow, blizzard, squee alert, merlin, the tempest, colin morgan, eeeeeee!

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