Paperlegends Cheerleading Crew?

Feb 06, 2013 10:22

Putting out a request post to find out who would like to be a part of my cheerleading crew for Paperlegends... I don't want to bombard people who aren't interested, so if you would like to be a part of my Paperlegends flailing, brainstorming, and squeeing group, please drop me a line here and let me know!

Here is the idea that I'm going to be working with:

Give a summary of your plot, if you have one:

Canon Era. Still trying to decide whether story will be Gen or Merlin/Arthur (leaning toward M/A at the moment).

AU of The Wicked Day (4X03)

Instead of offering his assistance as Dragoon, Merlin takes the opportunity to reveal himself as a sorcerer and offers to help Arthur save his father. Arthur feels hurt and betrayed by the revelation, but agrees to allow Merlin to try to heal Uther. Merlin succeeds, but Uther rewards him by throwing him in the dungeon to await execution. No matter that Arthur is still dealing with his feelings about Merlin being a sorcerer (and his feelings for him otherwise), he cannot let Merlin die for his "crimes". Arthur is then forced to escape Camelot with Merlin after his own father declares him a traitor to the crown

Now on the run from both Camelot's and Morgana's forces, can Arthur and Merlin learn to (love), trust, and rely on each other enough to survive

my awesome lj friends are awesome!, i must be crazy!, paperlegends, eeeeeee!, fan fiction

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