FOTS Daily Post

Jan 20, 2013 10:39

Guess The Episode
(But It's Okay If You'd Rather Just Look At The Pretty!)

God, he so effing adorable!

In other news, woke up to no heat this morning, so the oven door open with the oven on broil is taking care of things for the time being.
I suspect the oil tank is low and just needs a refill. (Yes, I should have checked this earlier, thanks for noticing...)  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that's all it is!

I'm also in the middle of writing a fic that is definitely too long for Camelot Drabble, but I'll probably post it there anyhow when I'm done.
It fits the prompt, after all...

(I apparently do NOT know the meaning of the word "drabble". Because "short", for me, is like 1,500 words...)

I have also signed up for the Camelot Remix fest (you take a fic someone else has written and change it...write it from another character's point of view, etc.). Sounds like great fun!

I'm also doing the Merlin Redux fest (rewriting canon based on prompts given by others), trope bingo, and will be signing up for both PaperLegends and Merlin Canon fests when they are available. And I am beta for someone who will be doing all of those, as well as the Merlin Reverse Big Bang

Or, in other words, I'm certifiably insane.

merlin canon fest, i must be crazy!, fellowship of the stick, paperlegends, camelot drabble, mrbb, rl, merlin redux, trope bingo, beta, merlin, colin morgan, fan fiction

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