Jun 17, 2004 23:28
(1) Full Name: Brooke Jean Bartoli
(2) Date of Birth: July 29th 1987
(3) Age: 16
(4) Height: 5'2"
(5) Weight: about 104 grrrrr.....
(6) Sex: female
(7) Hair Color: brown/red
(8) Eye Color: Hazel
(9) Where do you live: at my moms house
(10)What school do you go to: Wheeling, 1 more year of WHEELING!!! YAY
(11)Astrological Sign: Leo, the best!
(12)Phone number: hmmm not telling
(13)Favorite car: Jeep wrangler or toyota celica
(14)Favorite color: green, black and blue
(15)Favorite food: italain
(16)Favorite animal: dogs
(17)Favorite scent: hmm the stuff from pacsun...lilian something like that
(18)Favorite sex position: hmm dont know that one
(19)Favorite dental floss: i only tried mint
(20)Favorite Soda: rootbeer
(21)Favorite candy bar: 3 musteteers
(22)Favorite perfume/cologne: pacsun and mircle
(23)Favorite fast food: panda express ummm
(24)Favorite movie: way 2 many!!
(25)Favorite music: um everything! i knoe, im terrible
(26)Favorite restaurant: Hanabi....we get free food sumtimes
(27)Favorite T.V. show: mtv stuff...summerland...stuff like that
(28)Favorite alcohol beverage: wine coolers, corona
(29)Coke OR Pepsi: pepsi
(30)Shower OR Bath: both. bathtime when im sad, shower when im in a rush
(31)Brussel sprouts OR Alfalfa: Grossness
(32)Sex on the beach OR Sand in your crotch: sex on the beach move your body!
(33)Poop OR Pee: umm its a bodily funtion i dunno
(34)Day OR Night: both whatever im in the mood for
(35)Shy OR Outgoing: shy when i meet people, outgoing with friends
(36)Guys OR Girls: guys!!! expecially hot ones!
(37)No phone or No T.V: omg no phone!! i can live without that now tv...that would suck
(38)Summer OR Winter: Summer!! tans, beach, vacations, no school, hotness
(39)Do you have a crush: no and thats sad
(40)If yes to #39, then who: no one sadly
(41)Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no even more sad
(42)If yes to # 41, then who+how old is he/she:
(43)What is it that you like in him/her: their looks to be honest then the personality and romance!! lol
(44)What is it that you dislike about him/her: what i would dislike is people that are concided...and horny all the time
(45)Ever kissed someone: yes
(46)If yes to #45, then who: no one know them
(47)Describe your first kiss: in a basement
(48)Are you a virgin: yea
(49)Did you like this survey: not really a lot of personal questions
(50)Are you still bored?: not really im watching tv