The poconos was gay/tres amusant at the same time.
Soccer practice started and after it I was all hot and bothered and sweaty and I took my water bottle and poured water over my head and told KT I was wet for her XD.
We were being gansta lezzies the whole time. I missed seeing my Tommot again! I'm sry Tommot I'll make it up 2 u with a wink and a booty tap. mmk?
Leah and me are going to have our so called "rave" eventually
and I think ppl should bring stuff to make it blinking dildos and tools of torture...y'kno 2 set a fun filled mood. jaykay
I have secrets, secrets, too many secrets.
It finally came finally cameeeeeee. wheee
April Collapse: god damn
irzombiedancer: XD I'm crackign up
irzombiedancer: I dunno y
April Collapse: nigga nothins funny
April Collapse direct connection is closed.
April Collapse is away at 5:03:23 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:03:24 PM.
irzombiedancer: oh u just shut the direct connection door in my face
April Collapse: you god damn right
April Collapse is away at 5:04:08 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:04:10 PM.
irzombiedancer: negro plz little Kadijah's suffering
irzombiedancer: just liek how u shut the child support money dorr too eh
April Collapse: kadijah and kiss mah black ass
April Collapse: just like you dif
April Collapse: did*
April Collapse: except with yo tounge
April Collapse is away at 5:04:52 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:04:54 PM.
irzombiedancer: XD WHAT ASS
April Collapse is away at 5:05:37 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:05:39 PM.
irzombiedancer: jaykay
April Collapse: this one
April Collapse: ()()
April Collapse is away at 5:06:23 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:06:24 PM.
irzombiedancer: XD I just got sprung?
irzombiedancer: all the other brothers can't deny even the white boys got 2 shout baby got back
April Collapse is away at 5:07:08 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:07:08 PM.
irzombiedancer: just sign off for liek 5 seconds
April Collapse: sign off this
April Collapse: ::whips out weiner::
April Collapse is away at 5:08:38 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:08:39 PM.
irzombiedancer: XD sry I don't do that stuff till like after 7 oclcok
April Collapse: its seven in
April Collapse: jamaica
April Collapse: and thats awll that matters
April Collapse is away at 5:09:23 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:09:24 PM.
irzombiedancer: well the jamaicans think its 5 cuz there too high 2 have a sense of time
irzombiedancer: duh
April Collapse: yeha
April Collapse: well its really seven
April Collapse: not 5:09
April Collapse is away at 5:10:08 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:10:09 PM.
irzombiedancer: hahahaha mon
April Collapse is away at 5:10:53 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:10:54 PM.
April Collapse: actually
April Collapse: its 4:20!
irzombiedancer: oh em gee how did u kno???!!!
irzombiedancer: I think u have the magic stick
April Collapse is away at 5:11:38 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:11:40 PM.
April Collapse: you already knew that
irzombiedancer: nu uh only fiddy has the magic stick
irzombiedancer: he just was ncie and gave it 2 u
irzombiedancer: cuz yr lacking yo
April Collapse: fiddy?
irzombiedancer: FIDDY
April Collapse: mothafucka please
irzombiedancer: CENT
April Collapse is away at 5:12:23 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:12:24 PM.
irzombiedancer: GGGGGGGG-UNIT
April Collapse is away at 5:13:08 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:13:17 PM.
April Collapse: no
April Collapse: no units
April Collapse is away at 5:13:53 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:13:55 PM.
April Collapse: Collapse is away at 5:14:38 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:14:41 PM.
irzombiedancer: what did u give me
April Collapse: its really effed up
irzombiedancer: XD yea it is it froze my computer
April Collapse is away at 5:15:24 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:15:27 PM.
April Collapse: hahahah
April Collapse: muahahhaha
April Collapse: YES
irzombiedancer: XD CHUD UP
irzombiedancer: just cuz yr suffering
April Collapse is away at 5:16:08 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:16:10 PM.
irzombiedancer: haha at least I can talk normally HOT DAMN I SAID IT
April Collapse: whatchootryin to say?
April Collapse is away at 5:16:53 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:16:55 PM.
irzombiedancer: that u a snotnosed nigga
April Collapse: -_-
irzombiedancer: yea I said it
April Collapse is away at 5:17:38 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:17:40 PM.
irzombiedancer: U SUCKAS GOT SERVED
April Collapse: no suckas here but YOU
April Collapse: oh yeah
April Collapse is away at 5:18:24 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:18:28 PM.
April Collapse is away at 5:19:09 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:19:11 PM.
irzombiedancer: AH HELL NAH
April Collapse: AW HELL YEAUH
April Collapse is away at 5:19:53 PM.
irzombiedancer: SUCK MY DICK
Auto response from April Collapse: LOVE YOU !!!!
April Collapse returned at 5:20:34 PM.
April Collapse is away at 5:20:39 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:20:42 PM.
April Collapse: suck MINE
irzombiedancer: pssh what do u think i'm easy? ha ha ha
April Collapse is away at 5:21:24 PM.
irzombiedancer: what kinda GAY away message is that
Auto response from April Collapse: LOVE YOU !!!!
April Collapse returned at 5:22:13 PM.
April Collapse: tounge mah asshole bitch
irzombiedancer: I think ia lready did n u LIKED IT
irzombiedancer: OHHHHHH
irzombiedancer: wha now
irzombiedancer: bish
April Collapse: why you think i just told you to do it again?
April Collapse: awwwwww shit
April Collapse is away at 5:22:54 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:22:55 PM.
irzombiedancer: o hellz nooo
April Collapse: you got nothin
irzombiedancer: don't make me cut yr penis off
April Collapse is away at 5:23:39 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:23:41 PM.
April Collapse: you can't you like it up yo ass too much
April Collapse is away at 5:24:23 PM.
irzombiedancer: eat my wet panties
Auto response from April Collapse: LOVE YOU !!!!
April Collapse returned at 5:24:26 PM.
April Collapse: maybe i will!
irzombiedancer: maybe if u do u just might become pregnant cuz ...cuz...cuz I said so
April Collapse is away at 5:25:08 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:25:10 PM.
April Collapse: maybe you'll cream on your face
irzombiedancer: maybe u can't cuz u don't have n e genitals u sick fuck
irzombiedancer: OHHH SCNHAP
April Collapse: yeah thats not waht you said when you was toungin em last night
April Collapse is away at 5:26:39 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:26:40 PM.
irzombiedancer: I think u ahve me mistaked for a slut
April Collapse: i think there is no mistake
April Collapse is away at 5:27:23 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:27:25 PM.
April Collapse is away at 5:28:08 PM.
irzombiedancer: I think I saw u w/ yr momma last night and u were suckign ehr titty
Auto response from April Collapse: LOVE YOU !!!!
April Collapse returned at 5:29:09 PM.
April Collapse: that was yours
April Collapse is away at 5:29:39 PM.
irzombiedancer: XD but...I'
Auto response from April Collapse: LOVE YOU !!!!
April Collapse returned at 5:30:25 PM.
April Collapse: you wish
irzombiedancer: dammit what r u THE POO_LICE
irzombiedancer: OH SCNHAP YOUS A PIG
April Collapse is away at 5:31:08 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:31:10 PM.
April Collapse: nigga please
irzombiedancer: nigga suck my wet black pussy
April Collapse is away at 5:31:53 PM.
April Collapse returned at 5:32:22 PM.
April Collapse: maybe i will
April Collapse is away at 5:32:38 PM.
irzombiedancer: oh...fuck hmm wait I'm thinking
Auto response from April Collapse: LOVE YOU !!!!
irzombiedancer: JUST WAIT
irzombiedancer: YO MOMMAS MOMMA
April Collapse returned at 5:33:21 PM.
April Collapse: psst
April Collapse: that was weak
irzombiedancer: XD
irzombiedancer: eat my teetz
theres was more but it got 2 racial/ perverted
PS I hope Krista gets better ;_;
<3 <3 <3 !!!1111!!1111!111!111!