tae is so curious and so fascinated by the littlest things. yesterday, she spent a good 15 minutes trying to extract a piece of paper from underneath a stack of magazines. she was just sitting in front of the bookcase, pulling at the paper, crinkling it, trying again. i even saw her take a break from tugging at the paper to inspect her fingers.
today, we gave her a strawberry to play with. ironically enough, she didn't immediately try to stick it in her mouth (while everything else goes straight in - paper, plastic bottles, soapy washclothes). instead, she mashed it around in her little fingers, splashed strawberry juice everywhere, and then eventually put her strawberry-juicy fingers in her mouth. she made a little pucker-confused face, but she put her fingers in her mouth a bunch of times. it was cute. in other news, i love my new camera. as if i didn't take enough pictures of tae already, now i can take hundreds more - faster and with more pixels. by the time tae's one, we'll need a hard drive dedicated completely to documenting her each and every move. oh well. she's only this little once, right?