Sep 22, 2003 16:57
Is "it" an epidemic? "It" meaning these car accidents involving these people around me. It is something cosmic, I tell ya. Relating to just keeps getting closer. First for me, it was Josh Bertucinni before my 9th grade year, who ended up dieing in the accident, then at the beginning of 10th, it was Ryan Sneed and everyone, of course, Ryan also died...and now Angelo? WTF?! I've really been thinking about him the last few weeks...he's been all over the news with the whole 311 Boyz thing, and now this?! I just don't understand. I just feel sick...physically. What is the universe trying to tell me? (US!) Closer and closer it gets...Josh who I didn't know, but my immediate friends did, Ryan and crew who I've known practically my entire life, and now Angelo, who I really knew?? And have known for a while now! It's just too weird and I'm really freaked out. Am I reading into this too much? Kids get killed everyday...but kids that are close to me shouldn't. I don't even know what to do with myself lately...the whole 311 thing, and now this. I just found out a matter of hours ago, but the feeling is just settling in. Why can't life just stop for a second and let me catch my breath.