for a young thing, my life is not too bad.

Oct 04, 2007 22:02

In the massive OH NO STEVE LEFT PLACEBO, I forgot to mention that Radiohead's got that new album comin' out and it's pretty darn sw33t what they're doing with the whole IT'S UP TO YOU payment system. I also dig the rainbow color scheme. That's all I have to say about that.

Yesterday, I was noticeably out of commission because I couldn't sleep on Tuesday night and was up worrying at 5 AM and Mom was all, "GO TO THE DOCTOR. THEN TAKE A NAP," when I prattled on at her in my hyperactive manner for 15 minutes straight about all the fears and worries I have in the world.

I went to the doctor at 9:15 and it took over an hour only because I was waiting for SO LONG. This doctor is such a wait-y doctor. Dang. I'm gonna start bringing my knitting. At least she's right across the street from my house. NEWAI, the nurse said she'd want sinus X-rays, which I've never had done before. So I got to see mah skullz. It was really creepy. The easiest things to see were my surgical steel earrings (the only pair I didn't remove because they're all twisty and I'm lazy) and my teef, and the one little metal filling I got when I was 10.

Dr. S. came in and felt my lymph nodes, said they were "lumpy," listened to my chest but couldn't find my breath until she got to my shoulderblades. I have a sinus infection that has... guess what... morphed into bronchitis! THIS HAPPENS EVERY TIME. She gave me a shot in the ass, 2 enormous horse pills (antibiotics - failz), and a new albuterol inhaler that I have to use 3x a day for the next week at least, preferably for the next month.

Oh, and I need to irrigate my sinuses.

I realized as I was leaving that she hadn't talked about my X-rays so I asked for her to explain them to me, and she led me over and looked up and went, "Auulgh." She proceeded to tell me that my skull should not be all white and grey, but that I should have gaping black spaces where air passed through. There is no air in my head. There is just "fluid" and "gunk." They are very bad sinuses.

My life is a farce!

I couldn't sleep after that, skipped weight training again because -- bronchitis -- and then got my shit together to try to go to fiction studio. I went to Borders and got a book on Philip Larkin - my poet for the project I have to do for Miles' class; I like This Be The Verse and whatever poem I read when I flipped the book open at random - and a $10 magazine with Johnny Marr on the cover and a picture of David Tennant with the Proclaimers inside. Totally worth $10, right? I am so bad about magazines - I loves them! Today, I almost got Out with John Barrowman on the cover today, and Allure with Keira Knightley on the cover, but I resisted. I really regretted not getting this other magazine that had Johnny on the cover a while ago, so I got this one to make up for it. Then... oh, who cares. Went in, told David I was sick, he's like GO HOME, gave him my critiques, and bailed. Went home and slept from 3 PM on.

Today I went to BOTH classes, but I walked very slowly since all exertion literally leaves me wheezing like an old man, and I drank a lot of tea. Dessy and Smeg picked me up and we went to World Market and Borders (again). And then we came home and Dessy talked joyfully with my dad about movies for like ages. Now she and Smayg are working on their comic and I'm enjoying the basement, since Mom rearranged it and it's kewl. Well, the living room part. The computer is still in the Fail Corner, with its stupid trackball mouse and messy clunky monitor.

I thinks I'm done now!


magazines, in rainbows, shopping, bronchitis, borders, smeg, radiohead, writing, class, illness, philip larkin

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