Ah, good to be back on the shittiest wireless internet connection in existence. Seriously, I have got to call the Geek Squad in or something. This is horrible. I'm either mooching off some dude named Greg, or 'boing' (what I named our home network ages ago) is flickering on and offline. So if anyone's trying to talk to me for the next ___ days until I get this fixed, if I go silent, it's because THIS CONNECTION SUCKS AND I HATE BEING ON COMPUTERS THAT WON'T STAY ONLINE.
I changed the treble settings on WMP sometime in the last month and just listened to "Ski Jump Nose" and it sounds different in a really cool way. I don't know why this song is the #1 track on my
last.fm, but it is. Is it sad that I've been wanting to up my counts on there, but I couldn't because I had people here? Yes, it is. I did move Bernard Butler to #3 instead of 4, knocking out Mansun, but if I keep listening to this song, that'll change again. God, I love that total waste of time.
So Chesh left today. I last updated about 2 weeks ago, I think, because I'm made of fail.
We went to Destiny's and my friend Christy's bachelorette party the weekend after Sarah left (on Sarah's 20th birthday, in fact, which I did not make an entry for - HAPPY BELATEDLY BELATED BIRTHDAY, SARAHZZZ!!! *cake and infinite harry potter books*) and that was a damn good time. It was '80s themed and Chesh made me a hideously wonderful miniskirt out of some Walmart jeans and old denim that we covered in denim-and-Sharpie patches that read things like 'Nobody puts Baby in a corner!', 'Frankie says RELAX,' 'The Smiths,' and 'Tears For Fears.' It was... magical. I plan on keeping it forever. I wore it with yellow and black and white clothes/accessories and a massive ratty side ponytail and turquoise eyeshadow up to my eyebrows. Chesh wore a black-and-pink ensemble and Dessy wore an oversized Smiths shirt with a hideous thrifted vest, slouchy socks, a high-waisted denim pencil skirt, and a scrunchie. Chesh put some makeup on her and she looked great. We all wore too many bangles and jelly bracelets, because I have been hoarding them since Christy told me the theme.
There were only 3 other girls there besides Christy and us and it was a really private, fun affair. It was held in the Marriott downtown, just before the river crossing. We got there late because we fail at time management, but the others were still getting dressed. I liked all the girls and we had a lot of fun taking pictures and goofing about before we set off on foot to Spaghetti Works. We got many a stare, especially Kat, the girl who ran the whole thing and one of Christy's closest friends, who wore a short skirt and tall glitter heels and walked ahead of us all. I worried she would get propositioned - that we all would, actually. At one point, some dude was staring openly at us and I declared, "We're not whores, contrary to popular belief!" Other people asked what the theme was and we told them.
l to r: Chesh, Dessy, Jess. Picture courtesy of Someone Else, as I haven't gotten the 300+ Sconecon pix off my camera yet (and am dreading doing it - all that resizing...)
Dinner was lovely. We WERE going to a casino afterwards, but Chesh was too young and everyone got distracted/bored of the idea. Christy had forgot her VCR/DVD player so I volunteered to run home for mine, but when Chesh and I got there, Mom didn't let us take it. Oh, well. We got back with our overnight shit and ended up spending the rest of the night dancing to 80s tunes, watching Labyrinth on Melitta's laptop and eating a Barbie cake while playing a marathon game of Trivial Pursuit which lasted until 7 AM, long after Christy and Sarah had gone to bed. Chesh and Dessy and I decided to take our leave and I think I left a yellow enamel star earring there, which makes me sad. Anyway, it was a really great time. No strippers, though Kat did some highly amusing dancing in an enormous jungle green prom gown with sleeves the size of her head. Oh, and we beat the everloving fuck out of a fish pinata. LJ/firefox aren't letting me make an N with a tilde today, sorry. We used a wooden hotel hanger, which I finally splintered into pieces, and then we used a shoe, which I dropped on my foot and got a bruise from. It was hilarious, though. There was also a minor panic when we ordered extra sheets/pillows and thought there were too many of us in the room, so several of us hid in the spare bedroom in the dark, giggling. It was all for naught, since they didn't seem to care, but still funny.
After that weekend, there was a lot of me oversleeping and then Chesh and Smeg and I would spend the night watching movies and playing Zelda: Twilight Princess. We got as far as the castle in the sky before Chesh left, but there's not much left after that, so we did pretty well. I don't know if I'll EVER beat Ganon in that game. We played Egyptian Rat Screw and Crack the Case and all kinds of shit. I made jewelry and finished a bulky blue-striped sweater in very fat yarn.
My final summer class was on Saturday morning and we went out for breakfast, which was pleasant. My story got trashed, but only because I can't make plots. I'm going to have to revamp it with a plot - the final copy, along with the stupid fucking journal that I loathe doing and have a lot to catch up on, are due Friday - but at least my English is flawless and my description is so distractingly good that they didn't realize the story was horrible at first. God, I find that hilarious. There are reasons I'm a poet, you know, and not a bloody fiction writer. Chesh has all the plots and advancements, I think (I used our big gay characters because I also fail at being original on command). I don't know if I'll do another summer class - it was pretty hard to work up any motivation. Maybe it was just this particular class. I do get away with murder in all my writing classes, only because I've been writing for so long that I'm excessively good at bullshit and covering up my shortcomings with really good *technical* shit - punctuation and spelling and whatever. Kevin pointed out that my story got least trashed of all of them, and I told him the same thing - I've been writing forever. I can use words in amazing ways! I just can't write plots. I'm not bigging myself up here - I've always been good at this stupid language. Katie wrote something on my comments that cracked me UP... something about how some writers have a hard time breaking their voices into new characters, especially when a writer has a voice as distinctive as mine - "it's your blessing and your curse." Lolzzz. Basically, that means that all my characters sound like offbeat 21-year-old girls with amazing vocabularies.
So this Rooney song, "When Did Your Heart Go Missing?", is fucking amazing.
It makes me want to run down city streets at sunset and dance in big groups or something. It's got the most cheerful little guitar riff and it's so pleasantly-constructed that I can't help but love it. I vaguely recall this band did stuff a few years ago, but I don't know their older songs, and so I wiki'd them and found out the singer is the brother of Jason Schwartzman who was in I Heart Huckabees, a movie I fucking LOATHE, so I don't have a high opinion of him. Also, that both boys are related to the Coppola clan, and I had no fucking idea it was so HUGE. Seriously, what the hell, Hollywood? You incestuous bastards. I mean 'incest' there not in the fact that they're all literally committing it, but that every damn Coppola gets into movies and seems to be taking over the system from underneath. I don't even know that much about them - it's just weird to me that their names pop up everywhere.
Anyway, the Rooney song is amazing and one of the guys who is not the singer has really fabulous thick black hair in the video, but I couldn't figure out which one it was. He did not play drums - he was one of the guitar-wielders. I like boys with nice hair. I downloaded a few other Rooney songs, but I have so many other things downloaded that I need to listen to that I don't know if I'll give them the attention they deserve. Anyone like this band? I like new bands to listen to. Tell me things.
It has taken all my willpower to not buy the new Maroon 5 CD this month, let me just say. I don't know what happened to me - "Makes Me Wonder" ate my soul for breakfast. I should listen to more McAlmont & Butler until it all passes.
I did get the new Sophie Ellis-Bextor album last night at Borders! I'm fuckin' psyched. I even got it on sale because of some coupon. I want her other 2 but they're hard to find. I also got the new Manix album in the mail but I LOST THE STUPID BLIGHTER. I'm convinced that some mechanic who wears leopard-print underwear jacked it from our car one of the many times it was in the shop this month, but everyone else finds that ridiculous and says it's around somewhere. I've been looking and looking and I cannot find it. Dammit. I never even listened to it yet.
I said I'd make a list of movies but I'm going to die if I have to go find their imdB links so you can do that on your own. I'm only listing the films I've never seen before, so things like At First Sight, while hilarious and so bloody awful I can't believe I own it except that it's so awful, are not counted/rated. Also, I wasn't paying attention at all to Sister Street Fighter so I can't rate it. ALSO, there are minor spoilers - it felt like every film we watched this year fell under the category of Rocks Fell, Everyone Dies. So if you don't want to know which films are like that, don't read my list. We basically watched a bunch of movies everyone else has already seen, though.
Star ratings! * = what the fuck just happened to my time?
** = at least I could make some jokes about the horrific nature of this film
*** = did not affect me one way or the other - conversely, I do not know how I feel about it
**** = damn good time!! I almost completely enjoyed it!
***** = holy fux, like, my new favorite movie evar.
- Boogie Nights: *1/2. What a weird film. I like Heather Graham and I can't explain why. I think this would have been better without the 'rise and fall' thing; the whole denouement was pretty awful.
- Blackadder IV: ****. I loved this - it was hilarious and wonderful in every fashion, but ROCKS FELL AND EVERYONE DIED at the end, and Smeg and I are still reeling from that. THEY KILLED THEM. WHY.
- History Boys: ****1/2. God, this was amazing. British schoolboys! A fantastic 80s soundtrack with an instrumental version of "This Charming Man" that delighted me (Johnny Marr = <3). So clever and cute - I just loved this film... EXCEPT FOR THE PART WHERE ROCKS FELL AND EVERYONE DIED. JESUS. Okay, that wasn't the worst part - the worst part is this movie's strange endorsement of the gays = pedophiles myth. There are a couple of gay men in this film and ALL OF THEM are drawn to young boys rather than men their own age. WHY. The only one who didn't creep me out COMPLETELY was Stephen Campbell Moore's character, because he was maybe only 6-8 years older than the boy he was after, and they were only gonna go at it after the boy was no longer his student, and you know, that happens in reality, so whatever. Chesh was horrified by that, but you know, I can't be arsed unless the age difference is obscene. And you know, no one went at it really because ROCKS. FELL. EVERYONE. DIED. This was the running theme this year. Still, it bothers me that none of the gays could go after someone their own age!! It implies that the scriptwriter feels this way about it, and I think he is gay, so that just rubs me the wrong way completely.
- Bright Young Things: ***1/2. ROCKS FELL. EVERYONE DIED. It was a great time until then! DON'T DO THAT TO ME, STEPHEN FRY. David Tennant had a horrific moustache in this and I laughed. It also featured Stephen Campbell Moore from the aforementioned History Boys and I really like that dude. He's a good actor and he has beautiful blue-green eyes. Anyway, I thought this film would be TOTALLY different than it was but that's how it always goes.
- The Big Tease: ****1/2. This is about a gay Scottish hairdresser who wants to compete in a prestigious hair competition and so it's right up our alleys. I got this on tape from the Antiquarium for like $2 and I'm so glad I own it! I loved it.
- American Psycho: ***1/2. Wow. This actually 1) Isn't too gross/gorey, and 2) Is hilarious. I don't know what happened there or why. Smeg and I watched this tonight after Chesh left and it's just... so... odd. I do love Christian Bale - he's incredibly talented, especially at taking on accents and playing really weird people. And he can morph his body to any role! Damn.
- Revengers Tragedy: *****. Oh my god. Eddie Izzard. Christopher Eccleston. A revamped play from Ye Olden Times that is not Shakespeare, this is just... wow. You gotta see it. It's hilarious. ROCKS FALL, BUT IN A GOOD WAY. I ACCEPT THEM.
- Heavenly Creatures: **1/2. What the fuck again! Kate Winslet IS amazing - this is her first role - but this film was just so fuxed up. I didn't like how unevenly the story was told: it's about 2 New Zealand girls who form a close, lesbian relationship and murder one of their mothers because she's perceived as a shrew. It actually happened back in the 1950s. Crazy bitchez.
- My Neighbor Totoro: ****1/2. Smeg wanted to see this - it's the 'cat bus' movie. God damn, it was really great, okay. I loved it. And I generally avoid things that come from Japan's film industry because they are a little too weird for me. But this was great! Cat bus!!
- Intermission: *****. This is an Irish film about some people who do things!! It is really, really good and offbeat and hilarious!! I loved it a lot. And it has Cillian Murphy and the girl from Trainspotting! Man, it's really good. You should see it. Oh, Ireland.
- Spiderman: ***1/2. We actually saw this on TV and it was a lot better than I thought it was going to be. I'm even curious to see the other two.
Fuck, I can't remember what else we rented! I know there were more. I'm sure some fool will come along and let me know that I missed the best movie we saw all summer, but dammit, I'm tired and sickly. I meant to see Sunshine in theatres, but we never got around to it.
Oh, lolz. Speaking of sickly, poor Miss Veer has mono, so I have to go to the doctor to get tested for it. I am afraid I'll catch it/have caught it because I feel pretty abysmal, I've never had it, and I catch everything. Then again, everyone else says that since I always feel like shit, it probably means I don't have mono. Anyway, better to know for sure so I can plan to feel like more shit soon. I am sorry you are ill, Veerlet! Today I got you a thing to cheer you up! I need to go find more things to send it with. And it will cheer you up even more. THINGZ. We all found it hilarious that the month ended in mono, because we're weird.
I'm trying to think of the rest of the things that we did. Friday night, we went to the Filthy Fun Center, played some games, won a ton of tickets inadvertantly, and bought a bunch of stupid prizes. I got an Irish flag even though Chesh said it looked cheap. But they got a rubber lobster so they can't really talk. Then on Saturday we took Dessy and went down to Papio Fun Park and played miniature golf in heat so horrific that I felt incredibly ill most of the time we were there. I kept wanting to collapse in the grass. We made it to hole 12 and gave up because it was just too hot, but I did have a good time! Then we ate Wendy's for dinner and visited Tiffy at work and she and Drew came over to swim in the dark with us. That was fun. We all had Village Inn afterwards, which was also a good time. I'm sorry we didn't hang out more, Tiffy, but Monday was all weird and stormy and I didn't get up until late in the day. Also, we fail!
I recall screaming to Radiohead's "My Iron Lung" in the car on Saturday with Dessy and Chesh and it was a good time. I almost bought OK Computer yesterday at Borders - it was $10. I don't know. I still have to figure out if I want more Radiohead. I rather like the little bitchez now, though. I still like their less-wanky, more rockin' songs best, though. I swear we were talking about a particular Radiohead song in the car and I was going to give it a careful listen and I don't know which it was now. THE HEAD! SHRINK-ERS! THEY WANT! EVE-R-Y-THINGGG! *flail*
My favorite pair of jeans is falling apart so I got another pair at k0hlb0rg after dropping Chesh off. You don't care. But I loved that pair. Stupid stretch denim - it always shreds eventually. I did wear them for 2 years which is a long time in my world. I can't make pants last very long.
Oh, fux. I hear thunder. :( I do not want to die. I don't mind if it's just going to rain because it's been doing that a lot, but I still get fearful of TORNADOES EATING MY FACE.
Chesh should totally be online by now. WTF. I hope she is okayz. Or just asleep. I fell asleep on the crash pad in the basement after American Psycho and woke up at 1 AM, groggy, with my hair in my face and my kittens wandering around all HAI JESS LOLZ. Toby has been dragging his new favorite toy, a broken retractable tape measure, up and down the stairs, and you can hear it thunk-thunk-thunk each time, signalling his adorable arrival. Jack parked himself on Chesh's suitcase when it was in the hall earlier and he did NOT want to get off. He was all (^;.;^)~ chesh plees don't go. i luv yuuuu. pet mai hed. And Kitten and Lard have been all over Chesh because Teresa (her mom) sent her some beef jerky and the cats LOVE. IT. Lard went into Jerky Rage, all rolling around and running around and being insane every time she got some jerky. I love our cats.
Why can't I write good lyrics like this? Dude.