Still working on the Top 10 Albums Evar list - I know, lame, huh? A lot of thought has to go into it! There are some bands I feel I should include just BECAUSE they were my favorite band at some point (cases in point: U2, Savage Garden) but who don't seem to have a PERFECT album...
Observations on U2's Back Catalogue
Achtung Baby's Failing Points
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"Life Becoming a Landslide" is mine, though I'd estimate I don't relate to like 99% of the words. But it's good. "Nostalgic Pushead" is severely underrated. You've got a point about the idea. I think I liked having a band with a manifesto. And I'm pretty sure one of the first pictures I saw of them was either Richey looking beautiful and not entirely emaciated, or Nicky hanging off of him like they were about to bum each other in front of the photographer -- either way I was hooked, obviously. LOL.
Haha, sorry. I won't use it in your journal if you don't want me to. ♥ I was horrified when I first saw it, but now it's like... I have to make fun of him, because if I don't, OH THE EMO I WOULD FEEL. D: But I have kind of a dark sense of humor anyway.
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