I really like a good loaf of proper French bread. We just went to Target to get groceries, and their Archer Farms bread is SO LOVELY. I may eat the whole loaf. With a cold crispy salad! It will make a good dinner.
Prior to that, we took fair
cheshcan to the airport and bid our farewells to her and the giant bag of enormous heaviness. I'll miss her very much. Someday, maybe we can start seeing each other more often. It always feels weird after she leaves because I get so used to having her around.
And that paragraph has to end because I just don't know what to write.
Um... we mostly kicked around the house for the last few days of Sconecon 2006. On Sunday, we finally ended the Lollipop Crusade when I located a $14 milk bucket full of Chupa-Chups at World Market and bought it for Chesh to sate her Chupa-Chup craving. It's still at my house. I guess it's sort of my bucket, but I can always send her candy from it when she needs a fix. Or as she would say, when she's jonesin'.
We ate a plethora of tacos after that and played lots of Majora's Mask and watched some pretty bad but amusing movies.
Sugar was a 72-minute indie gay flick and it kind of sucked but it really wasn't as bad as Blue Citrus Farts, so that was good. More dialogue and better lighting and fewer stupid shitty camera angles, but heavily lacking in plot so what little it had went quickly and I didn't get a feel for the characters nor did I understand why they were in a relationship at all.
Ultraviolet was a movie featuring Milla Jovovich in her usual role as an Ass-Kicking, Crazy-Looking, Supernatural/Extraterrestrial, Ninja-Like, Crafty Heroine. It was a very pretty movie, but it was a pretty badly thought out plot. The most interesting things about it were that the kid from Godsend was in it - Cameron Bright. He has a really doofy face. He was a much better actor this time around, at least. And finally,
Ladyhawke was a really bizarre fantasy film featuring a very young and adorable Matthew Broderick overacting in a Shakespearean fashion, and Michelle Pfeiffer looking strangely out-of-place. The woman just doesn't seem to fit into her roles - she's like Meg Ryan. They're not believable at all because they just look like uncomfortable middle-class blonde American women who needed money but had no talents to offer. I really had trouble following the plot of the latter because I'm stupid, but it all wrapped up well in the end. It was all right, but I doubt I'd watch it again.
Last night, even though it was raining off and on, Chesh and Smeg and I drove downtown again and walked around with umbrellas. We actually ended up going too far on Dodge and found ourselves in Iowa briefly, so now Chesh can say she's been to Iowa. She wasn't impressed because Iowa smells. The only thing anyone bought was the Kill Hannah album - I finally caved, even though I just sort of lost interest in them (in favor of you-know-who) and "Lips Like Morphine" is A REALLY BAD SONG. There's only 4 of them in pictures now because it looks like Garret (drummer) left the band to be with his family, and really, I can't blame him because touring around the country in a tiny bus would really suck and that's essentially all they do. He still plays drums on their studio recordings, though. I read all the lyrics for the new album aloud to Smeg and Chesh while we played Zelda last night and they were hilariously awful. Chesh says they always were, but maybe it's just that Mat had more of a swagger before and he had the fake British accent and he didn't feel the need to sound more like any other bland myspace band.
It's so strange sitting online with no obligation to be somewhere else and no sense of other people wandering around downstairs. I guess the upside is ... I can sit here online and listen to sick amounts of British music and clean the fuck out of my room, which I fully intend to do while Chesh is flying home. I stripped my bedding and then threw a blanket back on for Sir Jack to nap upon until I'm done eating and I can put clean bedding down. I also need to bring the rest of my things up to my room, put everything away properly, dust and wipe everything down, rake the carpet and vacuum it, and vacuum the basement and basement bathroom. And do a fuckload of laundry.
I start school again in about 12 days. I'm sort of excited about it, really. The stupid UNO teachers canNOT get their shit together and for the second time since I registered for fall classes, I've had to re-edit my schedule because of a time change. The good part is I got to remove Intro to Political Science which would have just been stupid, but I needed a class to fill a huge gap between my morning and afternoon classes. But Oral Interpretation Of Literature decided to change to the time that Political Science fills, so now I'm just in the lit class.
My fall schedule, for anyone who wishes to know:
Mondays and Wednesdays: 11:00-11:50 AM = Applied Class Lesson: Piano (I never did get permission for this one despite several attempts and I hope they don't kick me out or something! I can play piano a little and I can find the notes when I look at it! I really want to take a piano class.)
12:00-12:50 PM = Principles Of Astronomy (easy final science credit, or so I hope!)
1:00-3:45 PM = Foundations Of Drawing & Design II: 3D (the continuation of that art class I took at Metro last spring - I want to make myself read, write, play music and draw this fall, as much as possible!)
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 11:30 AM-12:45 PM = Oral Interpretation Of Literature (apparently, I'll also be dramatic this fall, too.)
2:30-3:45 PM = Native American Literature (I need only 1 more basic lit class after this and then I move on to bigger and better ones. I am also taking this class with
Fridays 12:00-12:50 PM = Principles Of Astronomy (Fridays are very laid-back!)
I'm waffling about looking for a job, because I want to not stress myself out, but I could use the money. I will wait and see how my classes are before I commit myself to anything but school and therapy and whatever else it is I do.
Oh, my CafePress order came in! I bought both of
thisvandalism's books, and you should check them out because Emily is a fantastic and passionate writer! /spreading the word
Looks like it's time to dust and vacuum the hell out of my little pod and ... sit around wondering at the silence.