I did my first shift on the floor at k0hlb0rg today. It was slightly harrowing and incredibly fast and busy. As soon as I got there, I was sweating, because they keep it at like 70* or something in there, and I sweated for my entire shift (only four hours, but I was glad to leave). I was paired with a much older associate who let me watch one transaction, then had me start doing them myself with her watching. I fucked up all the checks for the first 2 hours because I'm l4m3 and I didn't do the right little dance to get the machine to accept them. We had to void and redo an entire fucking transaction of like 15 things because I didn't see the woman's 15% coupon hiding behind her purse. Goddamn, people.
Also, I gave someone who was not even 30 the senior citizen's discount. I was in the zone, I guess, and I just glanced at her and saw her short hair and thought, "Old ladies have short hair," and gave it to her, and then C. (associate who trained me - I'll steer clear of real names) was like Y DID U GIVE IT TO HER?!!? but whatever. So she saved 15%. There were a bunch of old people who would ask me repeatedly if they were getting the senior citizens discount!!!!!!!! did u know im old i want the senior citizens discount!!!!!!!!111 make shur i get my discount!!!!!!1 i get 15% off!!!!!!!!!!111 and I kept being polite and saying that I would put it in after the transaction was totaled while thinking PLZ TO STFU.
At the end of my shift, I pretty much had the hang of things. I got one short break and just sat drinking water and then I was going to write down my hours for next week and C. is all UMG LQQK @ UR TIME and it wasn't going to take me 30 seconds to write everything down and why does everyone think I'm an idiot?? So i got up and shoved the paper in my pocket and went to the registers again where a younger associate helped my stupid ass for a while. Mostly she and C. would do folding & bagging while my feeble mind scanned things in and figured out how to put in their form of payment, but I was on my own for most of the last hour and did okay.
Mom bought me a present of blue topaz heart earrings on gold ...whatevers, not studs but not loops but not fishhooks... while she was at KMart which was nice of her. She also bought me a few polo shirts at Kohl's and we got my employee discount.
After I came home and showered, the Guy Who Does Stuff (he might be my Boss, I don't know, but he's going to be DS for Does Stuff from here on out) called me and asked me to work an additional 3 hours on Sunday afternoon/evening, 4-7 PM so I said yes. He kept coming over and bothering us about credit today - LAST WEEK WE HAD AN AVERAGE OF 14 TRANSACTIONS B4 A CREDIT APP SO UR AT 11 AND THAT MEANS YOU BETTER BE GETTING AN APP IN REAL SOON and it's like... averages are called AVERAGES for a REASON, DS. I don't understand. Also, most customers already HAD the charge account, several had it but opted not to use it, and the ones who didn't want it were vehement against it. I had one guy who aaaalmost might have maybe gotten it if I'd been more persuasive, but he was at the end of my shift and I didn't want to annoy him. Like Mom said when I told her about it after, I can only ask and I can't force them into applying because then they won't shop there anymore if they're going to be heckled to death. There's very little I can do outside of being aggressive to make people sign up for it if they still don't want it after hearing the (admittedly not all THAT spectacular) benefits. And then there were a ton of outright bitchy customers who were all NO NO AND ALSO NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!! >( HOW DARE U ASK. It's just... let us say our stupid spiels, people. We're required to do it and all it takes is 15 seconds of you listening to us politely before you decline. That's ALL I ASK. C. stood up for me because DS didn't think I was pushing credit hard enough, but C. said that I was asking everybody and telling them about it and they still didn't want it so it was kinda their loss. I never did get one single application and to be honest, I really don't CARE. I don't have a Kohl's Charge, my family doesn't have a Kohl's Charge and none of us want them, either. I can see why people are saying no! Why do we have to force it upon them at every impasse?
So then I went to therapy after bathing and eating lunchz0r (tuna salad on a pita is good) and I told Jackie about my irrational anger and she put me on... De... something. It's a mood stabilizer that I take before bed. She claims the side effects only occur at like 6 times the dose I'll be on, but we'll see.
I was really depressed talking to her and I think she picked up on it but didn't ask about it and I didn't really feel like talking because my throat's been sore since I got off work. I'm still really depressed and I don't know why. Well, my work schedule next week is kind of hellish:
Sunday - 4 to 7 PM
Monday - off unless they call me (please don't let them call me)
Tuesday - 2 to 6 PM
Wednesday - 12:45 to 5:30 and I have an appointment with Vivian at 11 AM (to noon) so this may be a bit tight.
Thursday - 11:45ish to 6:45 or something.
Friday - off as far as I know.
Saturday - 2 to 10:30 PM. AHHH.
I dunno. Everyone today was like HAHA U THOUGHT THIS WAS BUSY LOLZ IT GETS WORSE!!111 and I'm like, "if you tell me that, should I just quit now?"
I don't know what to do about July. I'm thinking about taking the 10th (Monday) through the 23rd (Sunday) off, working the next 2 weeks and quitting on August 12th, which is the 90-day mark or the end of my run as a temp. I don't want to work there in the fall. I really, really don't. Even if I just worked one day a week, with my stupid brain I'd just freak out and go suicidal from the workload because I can't handle anything at all.
In my downtime, I was folding Levis (I learned the Proper Way to Store-Fold Pants, which isn't very complicated, actually), mopping my forehead with Kleenex, and tossing the INSANE AMOUNTS OF HANGERS that accrued under my counter into their separate cardboard boxes, so I had no time to think about writingz. Sorry, Cheth. :\
I want to get paid.
P.S. - my icon r0x0rz. NEWSFLASH: JESS LUVS SUEDE.