big time explosions.

Apr 20, 2006 21:12

So today I decided that a 9 AM geology class will suck, and I don't care if it's 1 credit. I dropped it earlier and decided to take Principles of Astronomy at 12:00-12:50 PM on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. This means I'll have class on Fridays, but it's just an hour. Hopefully I won't explode.

I feel kind of sick, but that may be because I've had a piece of chocolate and an 80-calorie bottled smoothie since I woke up. :X

I keep getting emo on Chesh and I freak out that I'll have to tell Vivian who will tell Jackie who will be all LETS PUT U ON MORE DRUGZ but I don't WANT more drugs. Chesh says they can't make me take things I don't want to take, but they can sure as hell annoy me and pressure me into taking them if I'm not perfectly 100% happy 24/7. I still have my small doubts concerning therapy, but they may just be self-doubts in disguise.

Smeg and I ran out to Kohls and World Market just now so I could get an application for the former and redo and submit my application to the latter. I got another striped polo at Kohl's and a pink-striped halter top for $13 total. I know, you're wondering why on earth I would buy a halter when I'm a lard. It's a really cute halter and it makes my boobs all the more boobalicious. That's one thing I'll miss whenever I lose weight - I imagine they'll resume being A-cups when I resume being 125 lbs. I'll enjoy them while I can (but I won't miss the stomach at all).

En route to World Market, we were stopped at a light and I was looking at the guy in the next car, trying to figure out what the hell was going on with his head. Perspectives clicked in and a cockatoo climbed down from his shoulder onto the steering wheel. I told Smeg to look over and we watched him flip his bird upside down on his fingers and let it crawl across the dashboard. IT WAS SO CUTE. <3 Then when we caught up with him at another light, we saw from the other side of the car that he had a bar over the passenger seat and what may have been an African Grey was sitting on that! I waved frantically at him and he gave me a small "Yeah, don't you wish YOU had birds in your car?" kind of wave. So cute. He totally made our night. Especially since we stopped at PetCo and were cooing over parakeets and tiny little finches. I still want a bird sometimes - noisy, messy little fuckers that they are, it was fun having parakeets and even Cuddles (our cockatiel) was fun in a way.

The cheerful manager at World Market said they'd be hiring for summer beginning in mid-May, so he'd give me a call. Sw33t. I'm still waiting for Michaels to call me back, and I'll fill out a Kohls application for the hell of it. Dad was unhelpful in that he was all U SHULD KEEP WORKING IN THE FALL BUT JUST REDUCE UR HOURS THO I DON'T KNOW HOW THAT WILL WORK SINCE UR IN SO MUCH CLASSES. And I still don't know how to wing the whole having-Chesh-and-Veer-visit angle - I'm hoping that since I'll only be working part-time, I'll still have a lot of time free to hang with them. And they could shop or something while I was a-workin'. I don't know. Silver says they probably won't give me time off and I totally expected that, since I am just a novice drone to them (them = whoever hires me). Blah blah, blah blah blah job blah. I'll do my best to suck it up and deal, but damn it, I'm in a tight situation when you consider that 90% of my friends are long-distance and July is the ONLY time we have together all year. It would be totally different if they lived in Omaha - I could just plan things when I'm not working, but as it is, they come and we cram all our fun into a couple of weeks, then they leave and I (generally) don't see them until the next summer. I was lucky and I got to visit Chesh last month, which was really great, but it can't happen all the time. I need at least $500 to visit her and that just isn't practical/convenient most of the time.

I should go eat now. And watch Dr. Food. I thought about calling and signing up for the online astronomy class, but I hate having to sit here and wait for lectures to load - it wastes much less of my time to go to class and be done with it once I get home.


college, therapy, depression, michaels, chesh, veer, classes, nausea, schedule, drugs

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