A baby rabbit drowned in our pool the other night while we were all out. It was very sad and received a burial.
Mom's birthday went well. She liked everything she received and the ice cream cake is again delicious.
My food journal is proving to me that I still eat too much each day to lose a great deal of weight.
The basement is a total, utter mess, as we've been trying to reorganize it and clean it.
I just finished my very last sociology exam and I feel accomplished.
But I have a lot of other homework left to do.
Darth Chesh: the Romantics were known for their use of the "exotic" and the "archaic" in their poetry.
Darth Chesh: that's the statement you're supposed to support.
SoulPiercyShards: yes...
Darth Chesh: that sounds like she basically wants "Hey, this guy thought they were exotic and archaic, and so did this guy and this guy."
Darth Chesh: Proving that they were KNOWN for it.
Darth Chesh: But I don't think that's what she actually wants, is it?
Darth Chesh: she wants you to babble about how deep and kewl and archaic they were.
SoulPiercyShards: i thought it meant that they liked to talk about old things. like ode on a grecian urn.
SoulPiercyShards: i'm really not sure at all.
SoulPiercyShards: i thought it was that they liked greek architecture and old poetic forms and things like that and they ... used them. as subjects or bases for their work.
SoulPiercyShards: and wrote things about them.
Darth Chesh: What she should have said was "The Romantics really dug exotic, archaic things. prove this."
SoulPiercyShards: i suppose so.
SoulPiercyShards: *dies*
Darth Chesh: Instead she created a statement that she didn't want supported.
SoulPiercyShards: you're bringing up things i didn't even consider before, chesh.
SoulPiercyShards: i just assume they never mean exactly what they say they mean
SoulPiercyShards: i guess.
SoulPiercyShards: cause now i'm not sure how i got that.
Darth Chesh: I think you should write an essay about how your english teacher is a babbling moron who can't put together an essay prompt without fucking it up.
SoulPiercyShards: i guess it'd be too difficult to prove that somebody SAID they were exotic
SoulPiercyShards: i don't know how to make that more than a sentence.
Darth Chesh: Or at least mention it somewhere. "And by the way, your prompt makes no sense. Is english your second language? =)"
Darth Chesh: I'm sure you could come up with a paragraph about her babbling moronicness and a paragraph about how her essay prompt sucked.
Darth Chesh: but seriously, I don't know how you're supposed to answer the real question.
Darth Chesh: "When people are comfortable, they get whiny and nostalgic and yearn for different times, and end up creating things like I Love The 80s. The Romantics did this, only they were all about Greece, and they thought it was super sexy--all those boys doing each other and all. They wrote stuffy, unentertaining poetry about pottery and bumsex. Also, they were all about things they considered exotic, as witnessed in William Blake's literary masturbation, The Tyger."