Feb 11, 2004 02:00
Dammit, I spent all night last night studying for my Statistical Methods test today and i forgot to do any studying for my database design test. So, of course, i managed to bomb both of em, i'm gonna have to study my ass off for the rest of the semester to make up for that. I've got a test in my logic class tomorrow that seems pretty easy, I think i've got a decent handle on that, but i'm definitely gonna do some boning up on it before class tomorrow while i have my break between classes. I've got a speech to give tomorrow too that i'm not looking forward to, i am a terrible public speaker and i know i'm gonna like stutter my way through the thing and forget what i was gonna say and stuff. I gotta call my folks tomorrow night and decide if they're gonna come up this weekend or not, i'd kinda like for them not to so i could have some time to myself for a while, maybe try to find one of my friends who's single like me and go be sad and sinical about valentine's day together or something. Or maybe i'll see about going into SA or something for the weekend, i might have to deal with the folks down there, but i'd be able to see the some of my friends down there that i haven't seen since xmas break.