Last night was a good night for TV. How I Met Your Mother, Chuck and Heroes were sooo good! I have loved Chuck all season, but Rachel Bilson was on last night!! And Heroes has been really good the last few weeks. I think I especially enjoyed last night, because Claire/West were absent, and there was a lof of David Anders (Adam/Kensei/Mr. Sark, hehe)
Speaking of TV, I watch a lot of it, so this writer's strike is about to start hurting me.
I support the WGA and what they're wanting changed... but it still really sucks.
One episode of the Office left? 3 or 4 of other shows I love. Season finales.... already?!!!! UGH.
Stupid studios.
Here's a great article written by Damon Lindelof of LOST My weekend was pretty uneventful. By that, I mean, I had nothing huge, planned.
Friday night, I went shopping. I found lots of cute stuff at H&M, and spent some birthday money.
Friday was also going to see Leah sing at Off Broadway. It was fun, and she sounded awesome!
Lots of friends showed up, so that was cool.
Saturday... more shopping. I started buying a few things for Christmas.
Found cute stuff at Anthropologie, Delias and Urban! I love spending money. haha.
I met Leah for lunch at the Pitted Olive, then did laundry at her place, and watched View from the Top.
Sunday, I went to church and had lunch by myself and read at Bread Co.
I needed a nice, relaxing afternoon. I stayed there awhile reading, then went home and looked through my closets... trying to get rid of clothes I never wear. I could get rid of more stuff, but I found a lot of cute things I have, but never wear. I always tell myself if I would just lose like 10 or 15 more lbs, I could wear everything in my closet. ha. Wonder if that'll ever happen?!
I'm so excited for the weekend!!!!! <3