Two Liz Taylor movies

Jun 25, 2011 23:30

feel like something less canonical than Cleopatra?
i watched two wonderfully good movies last month

The Taming of the Shrew
a movie that proves that life before marriage is so much funnier than life after marriage!
this Shakespeare classic unites the brutal Richard Burton and the wild-girl-gone-good Elizabeth Taylor in a picturesque comedy on marriage. you'll end up feeling sorry for the heroine, however!
one point: don't take Kate's moral story at the ending too seriously. in the first place, even if Shakespeare meant it all, those days have gone and the times have changed, and anyway, i personally felt a lot of irony in it.

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
This movie proved that i never wonder WHAT the movie is about when i know the cast is good, or the director is good, or both.
before watching the movie, i was sincerely sure that Elizabeth Taylor played the role of writer Virginia Woolf!!!
but don't follow my steps of thoughtless ambiguation: "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf" is nothing but a song sung throughout the movie that you're most likely to go on singing to hours, days, and maybe even nights ater the movie. rarely have i heard a song so sticky!

the movie is all about one night and two couples: old professor+wife and young professor+wife.
the young wife looks... despicable. really. when i heard that she looked like a mouse, i could never imagine she'd look THAT MUCH like a mouse! i mean, honestly, i'm no beauty either, but i found her looks rather irritating.
otherwise she was funny, not pleasant at all, but good at trolling, as all the 4 people were constantly trolling each other with more or less success.

the ending, and generally the plot, are close to perfection. eternal thanks to Tennessee Williams for the play :)


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