Added some folks from the
Star Trek 2009 Friending Meme. Hello!
In even less exciting news, I'm back at university to take my final two ... finals. Some of my grades are already coming back; this semester came out okay, and probably better than could've been expected, considering I spent almost the entire goddamn time with strep throat-I ended up missing like two weeks of classes, if you add up all the times I had to miss because I was too sick. College is still soul crushingly difficult for me, but I'm actually sort of confident that I can do this just three more times. That's it! Three more times.
It's like a chant. It has replaced my old motto, which was, "I'm the best, I'm good at everything, and nobody hates me."
Actually, I think I'll keep the old motto, too.
McCoy got between Jim and a flying fist only once. And when he woke up about five minutes later-lying on the floor, his shirt soaked in cheap liquor, his young friend nowhere in sight-he only had one thing to say: "I'm never doing that again."
Dude, what was Nero up to for twenty-five years? Besides, y'know, the obvious: plotting.
Chekov, where the fuck did you come from? You being "sewenteen" and all.
James T. Kirk was the worst teenager of all time. Obviously. But Starfleet's apparently cool with letting former felons captain starships, assuming his stepfather pressed charges for stealing that car and driving off a cliff, so I guess this isn't going to affect his future career any. ... Do they even have giant cliffs like that in Iowa? I thought the midwest was mostly flat and stuff.
Doesn't McCoy have a kid with his ex-wife?
How depressing is the rest of Spock Prime's life going to be? Really really depressing. And he's got no one, really, because even if his best friends in the world are alive and kicking it somewhere in the galaxy once again, they aren't his versions. And he can't have much to do with them anyway. That's gotta sting!
Speaking of which, I somehow doubt that young!McCoy would really take any kind of tone with Spock Prime, considering Spock's matured beyond most of the traits that pissed McCoy off to begin with, plus he's so old and dignified and stuff. But considering that the bickering was like the foundation of their friendship, I bet old Spock would miss that.
Okay, Kirk's earned a lot of trust from his crew, but he hasn't nearly gotten the absolute faith he's commanding by the time the television series rolls around. Therefore, the ships not going to run quite as smoothly as we all remember. Or maybe not smoothly at all.