Are you keeping a secret from the world?

May 19, 2006 00:34

If you were asked the question: "are you keeping a secret from the world?" what would be your answer, and if it is yes what is your secret.

Well my first response was interesting. It was myself. I think I supposed to be doing a lot more than i am actually doing. I have so many dreams, desires, and passions. The question is what am i doing about those. Which is sitting in my room bloging about how I am hiding myself. And why is that you might ask. I have no clue. There is so much I want to do and see. I want to see the world, well except France, for some reason I could skip that country and be fine. But I want to get a passport and fill it up. I want to see the faces of those people in their home, and I want to help them. So why am I not and ICS major I don't know ask God, because I don't know, and why is the only place i have been to on a missions trip Battle Creek, again I don't know. But I thank God that I went, because that town has my heart right now. I am also wondering why i tear up so much, when I think of the wonderful things God has, is and will do. because you think my tear ducts would be dried out by now. But getting back to the main reason I started writing about how I am the secret that I am hiding from the world. The greatest passion in my life since I was in junior high at least maybe younger, I can't really remember was to be a Jesus Freak, a history maker. I started writing it off as just wanting to change one persons life, because if I change that one person I have changed the course of histroy. but no I am past that. i want to change the entire world. And I will use everything that God has placed in me, which is no small list, because he is God and he doesn't do small things. All small things to him are pretty big deals. So I know, it will take my nerdiness, my artistic-ish-ick (yes I just made up that word. get over it.), my passion for people and especially teenagers, music, my desire to fight for peoples lives, and beat the crap out of Satan's plots. All of these parts of me God has placed there and he placed all the things in my life that I would have to go through to get here. God is pretty much a genius. I like him a lot, and I scared of him and what he is doing. well, what ever it is that you might be hiding from the world, the chance is that you shouldn't. Because whatever you might be hiding, might be the thing that could dramatically change a life for the better. Don't doubt me, because with me also comes all of my stupidity as well.
much love
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