anyone want a free budgie with toys and cage?

Jan 14, 2009 10:53

Hi guys!

Just thought I would put the word out there, so that if anyone on my FL wants a budgie, I can give it to one of you rather than some stranger on CL.

Butters really has to find a new home, I won't give him to just anyone, but he needs to go somewhere loving, where bird lovers (prospective or current) want him. He's not in an ideal place in my home. He really needs someone who can let him fly, either with other friendly birds (not needy, jealous, codependent birds who only like people and would happily slaughter each other if given the chance, like mine) or as a solo practitioner. here, he never gets out, and I think this is making him a bit weird.

The problem is, he loves high places. He regularly lands on Claire's cage top, which makes him likely to get hurt by her, as she is neurotic, and wants nothing more than to "rid herself" of any other bird that might get the people's attention, rather than her getting all of it (which she still doesn't, and she will continue not to as a precaution).

So...wanna birdie? I know most of my friends here would be good bird owners and never neglect him or harm him, intentionally or unintentionally, and would feed him the right stuff so he can get to a ripe old age, so one of you would be easier to give him to than some free vulture on CL who might have good intentions, yet be a total nutjob.

lemme know.


free birdie

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