As It said in the title..Goodbye lakewood..hello ephs..Im no longer going to that school I will be at the los coyotes ephs now. Yay for me..i suppose..
Im getting tired of myspace so I figured id write a rather long update on here. feel free to skip it if you dont know me well.
Things are going well..but not soo great at the same time. Ive been sick for a long time and it sucks ass...its probably due to the shit hole that im living in..unsanitary air bla bla bla. Leaving school was okay but i didnt get to say goodbye to anyone. Oh well its better off that way.
David and I are doing great. It's almost been a year...god thats sooo long.
I really really want a maltease or maltipoo puppy really really bad and its all i can think about for some mommy is calling me obssesive compalisive....i believe her
I also really want to lose lots of weight and start going to the gym and tanning salon more
I <3 tanning~ i used to love being white but eh...
im worried about my parents..they arent healthy either and they wont work out and yeah..not good not good.
I miss people...friends in particular. I miss being able to stay the night at peoples houses and for them to enjoy my company. Katey is my bestest friend in the whole world...but her mom never lets her do anything and since she is my only kinda suck..expecially since her mom doesent exactly like me too well. her guy is "my twin brother of a different race" we are exactly alike yeah. I've also only met davids mom once since me and david have been going out..that really really sucks.
I miss: erika(even tho i dont like her at the moment at all), kady,kaitlyn (wtf) alley, john, and more people that i just cant think of..
It's cold..i love the cold and the rain but not right now for some reason
I stooped doing drugs...long long time when me and david starting going out..yes im a good girl..i got fairly good grades on my report turns out my x bf matt and david used to hang out in the same group in middle school. Everyone i hang out with has some sort of learning problem. I associate myself with peoople that dont knwo what their doing and dont care...therefore..i dont know what im doing and i dont sucks...but its how it goes....this makes no sense..i guess this is just me doing a freewrite reflecting
people needa go back to live journal and away from mysapce...myspace is the devil..yup..i used it frequantly bored...anyone have any suggestions?
I want to get something periced but im not sure what...i was thinking my lip..but david would flip. God we arent married soo sheltered..i know his intention are good..but yeah
he's the only guy that i have been this comfortable not soo insecure around him because i dont really worry about him leaving me that much. I know he loves me.
"our scars remind us that the past is real"
god who sings that song..its sooo unbelivebly true.
Im going no...i am emo..haha...but nto the conformist typical emo. Yay. I dont want to be a follower...nor a leader..i just want to be me..but im not sure what/who that is.
I need to find a job but i dont WANT to and the lack of will power is not doing me any good.
Dance is great. I love dancing so much i wish i would have picked it up at a younger age
I dont know what i want to do with the rest of my life and thats scary. I used to know what i wanted to do when I grew up but clue at sucks.
I miss surfing...and the summer....and the beach..when i was thin....
i probably sound like im on drugs...but im not ..this is what happens when i stay home on a friday night dosed up on some good sinus meds. I rented movies. i want to go watch them. my feet are cold and im going to fall asleep
so there you go..i dont know if anyone reads this..but here is your long comment
i love you guys
oh and incase you really dont know who i am anymore
this is a recent pic
I Love David
and yeah..
bye bye