Apr 02, 2005 21:52
this really isnt an entry its just a comment i posted on zanes site and i liked it and thought i wanted to save it gosh im a dork!!
im sure you did spectacular im just so jealous that you got the chance to actually audition my parents looked at the tuition for one year and were like uh uh not gonna happen im happy for you you totally got in no doubt in my mind you know since i was really young i alwasy thought thought everyone had a purpose in life like if they wernt there there would be an inbalance in the world and darlin your purpose was to make people smile and laugh anf forget there worries and thats what you do the moment you walkinto a room and even if you were nervous as hell those wapa people saw it in you and they would be eminently thickheaded and totally deranged not to let you in and if by the teeniest weeniest itsiest bitsiest .5 in a boliniogogzinial chance you dont get in i'll let you be in my school the kelsey school for people who should be in wapa but didnt get accepted to wapa cause the wapa people are totally deranged and should have let you into wapa but didnt cause they wouldnt know a good actor if one got naked painted themselfs blue and put an indian headress on and ran around screamin THE BRITISH ARE COMIN!! THE BRITISH ARE COMIN!! school for short it would be yes wapa no wapa wapa totally deranged yes wapa no wapa naked blue indian headress THE BRITTISH ARE COMIN!! LOL i have nergy today first vic's secret now im openin a school with an incredibly uneccesarily long name well my main point was your bound to get in no doubt bye