May 13, 2006 14:08
Prepare yourself for a long, sickness-induced post….
I am BORED!! I am no good at entertaining myself for long extended periods of time. Since yesterday morning I have read 3 trashy romance novels, watched Brokeback Mountain (which was a lame movie), Romeo+Juliet, Tristan+ Isolde, and Casanova. I was crawling the walls so I had to escape my quarantine. I should no longer be contagious anyhow. Not to mention that I am out of cat food and Lucy does not seem to be very happy with me.
I love drunken phone calls. I find them very entertaining.
My bathtub is not conductive to taking baths. I wish I had a heart shaped hot tub.
When I am sick I tend to gravitate to Romance, books, movies, poetry and the topic itself. The word love is a tricky word. In all of the movies that I watched and the stories that I have read, the men “fall hopelessly” in love. I have had men confess their undying devotion and love to me. I was blinded by the words. Whispers and secret rendezvous were the measures of their devotion. I have decided that if anyone feels compelled to udder those words to me again I want them shouted from the rooftops for the world to see and hear. Never again will I be a secret love or a secret friend. For someone who whispers his love is not in love with you but in love with himself.
I lit my house on fire. I’m ok. I really should just buy a hot water bottle and spare myself the fires and smoke next time.
Redheads are not evil. We are fiery.
No worries Becks I am not a robot, so you are not a robot by default