Apr 03, 2006 13:12
So here it goes. Since no one actually reads this is a fanstastic to express my feeling without terrorizing my friedns and family. The boy and I decided to take a break. We seem to have entirely different ideas of what dating someone means. I can not share him with her. I just can't. This is something I am not cappable of doing. I don't know what he sees in her. Perhaps she has the things I lack. I can't be a bitch to people. I'm a terrible lier. and so on. She seems to excell at thoese things. And for some stupid reason those are the qualities that endear him to her. I lvoe him. So much. However so does she. I left work yesterday after running in to her. She has no idea why I'm upset. She thinks that I have this life that I am living in my head of something when in all actuality... WE'VE BEEN DATING FOR MONTHS. I left it up to him. I want to try to work things out. We'll see.