Feb 14, 2005 22:58
Well, i have a few things to write about in this journal. To talk about the weekend, it was a lot more fun than i thought it was going to be. I never really have people over to my house, cept for chrisite sometimes (which by the way is uber-fun lol). So i decided to finally ask people to come over and hang out. (why didn't i do this eariler) well, i guess it was cause i though they wouldn't want to. Well, i guess i was wrong. So saturaday. Christie was the first to arrive, then callum. We looked at magazines, we talked. We talked more. Funess ensued, and then strane things started occuring, lol. Someone becoming slightly warm and needing to remove certain clothing to cool down lol. A ruler was also discussed and played with lol. ahaha. Well, let's just say it was fun. Typical Callum fun. lol. And then comes sunday. i was thinking oh no, nothing fun will happen on sunday. I was really looking forward to having people over for a movie, so once again, i was like.."alright, i'll ask and see", and i ended up having 5 people over. Kristen, Jim, Marc-Andre, Tierney, and Tara. It was barrels of fun. We watched "Salad Fingers" which was intresting to say the least. lol and then we played some video games and watched the grudge. hee. Jim stayed the longest and we talked and he finished his drama journal and yea, so it was a Fun weekend it was.
Monday. Valentines Day. What to say about this day. I don't really like it. It's quite boring, quite uneventful and quite "shitty". I say these things because i am single and yea, it's a boring and dumb day for people that are single. Oh well, it wasn't that bad. Musical was fun, we actually practice singing and got together something for the pep rally. It was easy. Piece of cake, it took us not even 10 minutes. Morris was very happy with us.
And yes, one more thing to mention. Tonight on msn, veronique sent me this link (she didn't really, it was a virus) so i opened it thinking it was from her. Well, it was a virus and it brought up a pic of a handcuffed girl. And then it started sending the link to all the ppl on my online list. One of those people was david. So of course he asked what it was and then a convo started. I didnt want to talk, but i did, cause i was feeling nice. Near the end, i really didn't care anymore and told him that there is no effin forgivness coming out of me, cause i don't feel as if you deserve it. I don't mean to be an ass, but i was always uncomfortable around him and i don't feel i can forgive. So yea, thats my rant for aujourd'hui children, go ahead and play with your partners now, i'll be here, single, alone and bored, with my only friend, bob, at least he'll play. lol (oh nvm, some people just don't understand.) hahahahahaa. oh i'm gross.