VIGNETTE: Keep my father [standing tall]

Feb 22, 2010 12:52


WHAT: Saliqa finally gets her answers from home.

The firelizard had found her cot on its own some time ago, judging by how it'd also managed to wiggle the curled letter off from around its leg and disappeared since.

Strolling in from delivering the laundry, she'd at first barely noticed the loose sheet lying there; she'd been too intent on tugging out her precious wooden chest, checking for the hide that indicated the long line of commissions taken and scratched off. A few more were left over from before this whole abrupt switch in responsibilities, and she'd be struck down before she let them go unfinished.

But hauling the smaller case of materials onto her cot had her noticing the missive when she nearly crushed it under a bag of beads. Shifting the fabric bag to the side, Saliqa wound her fingers around the paper while pushing from her crouch to an actual sit on the cot. Her legs pulled naturally halfway underneath her as she warily but unhesitatingly spread the letter out in front of her. As she did, a separate note dropped out from inside the first. Saliqa placed this one next to her and attended to the larger.

Reading was getting easier with each attempt, but the truth was that fitting each letter together took longer than she liked. Before sending the missionaries off to the Weyr, her step-father had wanted at least one girl to be able to take messages, make reports... and she'd fallen dutifully into that category. But, at least, it was still easier than writing.

She could tell the Steward was upset with her -- that much was obvious even in his handwriting, which he did nothing to disguise. The little note that came along, however, was neatly done in a completely different hand, and one that caused her great pause.

Going over the lettering several times helped to cement each word into the mind like branding. In the beginning, it was difficult. There'd been a prospective match for her, to be discussed in further when she'd returned to Crom, but the news of her Standing had put the man off entirely. Now... Saliqa tried to find it in herself to be as disappointed as she wanted to be, but the truth was the feeling filling up her chest and pitting her stomach was... well, more akin to relief. She felt oddly calmed to hear that a marriage had been put off, even for just a little bit longer. At the same time, dread darkened her heart to know that what she was supposed to do, she let fear keep her away. There was a finality to marriage; and it was one that made her words of haughty dictation about a woman's place emptier by her own mind's betrayal.

One day, she'd have to face up to being found lacking...

Until then, there were instructions. Her place as a candidate was not completely shunned; she could still bring honor to the home and to her Lord. It all boiled down to that which she knew best: duty. Now this was hers. There'd be no recall, no shame, only moving forward.

Tucking the small note inside the big letter and then sliding them both privately in with the pile of clothes in her bin, she clapped her hands together and then dusted away all lingering doubts... at least, visibly.

#candidacy, !family, #duty, #marriage, -vignette, !aughan, #crom

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