A [small proposal]

Feb 19, 2010 00:47

WHO: Saliqa, Ivana, Addiene
WHERE: Common Room, HRW
WHAT: The Crom girl is now a candidate, the sailor is a handmaiden, and the harper is willing.

Resident Common Room, High Reaches Weyr
Just off of the main passageway lies the small cavern that forms the hub of the residents' quarters, kept immaculately clean by the headwoman's staff and warmed in cold weather by a stone hearth to the left and well back from the entrance. Comfortable chairs and a plush fur arrayed before the hearth make an inviting spot to curl up with a book or handicraft, or just to sit and chat. Beyond, additional chairs stand in clusters throughout the room, some upholstered with age-softened hide, some plain wood. At the widest point of the cavern, a round table gleams with polish, though its surface is nicked and scarred from Turns of use. Beyond the table, the very back of the cavern often lies in shadow unless the glowbaskets there are unlidded to cast cozy pools of light. The commingled scents of klah, smoke and polish permeate the air along with the sweetness of rosemary and lavender.
Tapestries hang across the entrances to dormitories and more private quarters as well as the exit to the outer hall, colorful protections from drafts.

The pile of things right outside the entrance to the dormitories gives the somewhat comical illusion that the owner has just been tossed out. Big stocky wooden box, softer lumps of luggage whose shapes suggest clothes, and a clean white pillow that Saliqa's currently nursing against her own chest with all the look of forlornness that this situation calls for. Shoulders positively squared, she seems to be staring straight ahead if only to stop herself from glancing furtively over her shoulder at where she came from, and those inside who are making a point to giggle nice and loud like.

Ivana nods and smiles as greeting to Addiene and Saliqa, her arms full of knitted things; gloves, hats, scarves.. and then stops, looking at all the things piled at the entrance. "Did they call ya back t'Crom?" she asks Saliqa, looking a little distressed.

Headed through the common room and past the entrance to the dormitories, Addiene walks with her attention focused on a book, her steps quick and one hand lifting to push one of the pins in her hair back into place. It's the loud giggling that attracts her attention and slows her steps, her gaze diverting from book to Saliqa and Ivana. She halts, brows dipping when she takes in the look on Saliqa's face, and asks, "Are you alright there?"

It's a kind of blessing when other people move in; though she's been spotted booted so unpleasantly, Saliqa takes the chance to ignore that which has been bothering her. The giggling drowned out, she gives Ivana a yet somewhat conflicted shake of the head. "No, no, I, umm..." Addiene's attention attracts the girl's eye briefly and she declares, "Oh, yes, I'm fine, thank you," before giving the addendum to Ivana again, "I've just got to... well, I'm moving to the other quarters over there." And though she lifts to point helpfully in a direct point at the candidate quarters, the name doesn't escape her lips.

Ivana turns to look at the quarters indicated, and it takes a second for her to realize what that means.. but when the light of understanding hits, her eyes go wide as saucers, and she drops the knitting on the floor. Another second goes by before she starts to grin like a dragonrider with a wench on each knee. "Y'need help movin' this stuff?" she asks. "Ah could help." Ivana turns to give the gigglers her very best stink eye too.

The Harper turns a little and casts a look in the direction gestured towards, lips curving into a tiny smile. "Congratulations?" Addiene responds, the word caught halfway between a suggestion and a question. "Forgive me, but you don't sound... well, as elated as I've tended to assume Candidates are when they find themselves in your situation. But then, I'm a stranger and you probably don't appreciate people making remarks like that at all." She doesn't apologize, but she dips her head briefly to serve as a silent... something.

"It's excusable," Saliqa allows graciously as she kneads hands into that pillow, "I wasn't exactly hiding it none." Not that she's dismissing the idea that the observation was forward, either. "And thank you? I mean, yes, thank you, it's kind of you to say. I've only a few... things to sort out first. Let's start again, I'm Saliqa and-- ohh, Ivana, you've dropped all your things." To which she sets down her pillow and goes to assist with rounding up the dropped knitting. "It's polite of you to offer... I guess help /would/ be nice."

Ivana bends down rather belatedly to grab a few pieces of knitting from the floor, looking bemused. "Ah think m'fingers lost their grip, there.." she says, softly, sounding slightly surprised. "Harper," she begins, glancing up from the floor, "Saliqa makes jewelry, pretty things, too." She glances over to Saliqa mischievously. "Must be why y've got so much luggage."

Not scrambling after anything, what with help having already been offered and all, Addiene nods once again to acknowledge Saliqa's response and replies, "Addiene, Journeyman Harper," without any offering of hands even if it does make the introduction slightly less polite. Not appearing to be at all concerned by this, she smiles down at Ivana and says, "I see you got sorted with enough wool to keep you occupied, then." Dark eyes roam back to Saliqa as news of her occupation processes and after a moment's thought, she admits to her, "I'd probably have a commission for you if you are still undertaking such work? Or does that change now?"

Saliqa's interest is already peaked when the sound of 'harper' is out. She retains enough focus to keep hold of what fallen knitting she's gathered into her hands, but barely registers her own praise. There's, instead, a gleam of intention in her eyes as she turns to re-examine the journeyman. "Harper? Addiene? Oh, how fortuitous, you're the one. I've meant to talk to you, but things got a bit scrambled lately. I, ah..." A glance back at her luggage, then to Ivana. "All the earrings. I can't just /leave/ them... Honestly, I have no idea if that changes," transition to Addiene, "The Weyrleader, himself, didn't seem to know it when he brought this whole affair up."

Ivana holds a bunch of her knitting in one arm and smiles back at Addiene, nodding. At Saliqa's next words, she beckons with the other hand, asking silently for the jewelrymaker to hand over what she has, and then glances down the hall toward the candidate quarters. "I'll start bringin' in things," she says. "You got dibs on any o'th'beds?"

Two more little, sharp, unnecessary nods follow right after 'Harper?' and 'Addiene?', the Journeyman finally snapping her book shut now that it seems she isn't about to settle in a chair or make it to her room in the next couple of minutes. "Of course, I'm at your service, so to speak," she assures Saliqa, perhaps considering the latter issue from the lilt to her voice and tilt of her head. "Perhaps the answer will soon present itself," she settles for, having no sure answer herself. "If you're to help Saliqa move her things, perhaps it might be wise if I hold the knitting for you in the meantime, Ivana?" she suggests.

"Dibs? No, I, no, I suppose I don't." This earns some deep consideration from Saliqa before as she passes belongings from herself to Ivana before, hands luckily empty in the interim, she tosses them both up in the air. "Wait, wait. One moment, one thing at a time. Yes, about your service, ma'am," clearly, she rounds on Addiene with a burst of a smile that magically appears when it's now business time. "Your name came recommended to me by the lady Headwoman concerning an evening I'm arranging that would do well with the gifts of a fine harper." Her head bows low, indicating Addiene generously. "Perhaps you'll indulge me in hearing the plan?"

Ivana flashes a quick smile at Saliqa for the knitting, and then another at Addiene as she hands over the entire pile with a sincere thank you. "Ah'll jus' be back in there," she says, and picks up the first item in the pile, heading down the corridor.

Addiene looks rather amused about the desire for organization, struggling to smother the beginnings of a smirk, yet then there's knitting handed over well-timed to draw her attention for the moment it takes for her to settle her features back to something more appropriate. Listening all the while, she stacks the knitting into a neater pile atop her book and hugs the whole lot close in-case anything decides to make a break for it. "Please, continue," she answers Saliqa. "I can listen to your plan at the very least."

Saliqa's eyes follow the imaginary trail that her items make as Ivana carries them off, half grateful and half twitching to go and handle it herself. This distraction brings her around to miss most of the harper's work for the expression she's now presented with. In a moment, the younger girl is returning a similar note of polite eagerness to meet the interest. "Thank you. I've been given permission by the leadership to treat those convicts on a list of good-behavior to an evening off. I was hoping now that this evening could include a bit of music. I had a few things in mind, but I'm sure you or your peers would know more. And, ah, appropriate for the attendance. A good melody can do wonders to lift the spirit, wouldn't you say!"

The Harper's study betrays little, but there's a slight shift in her expression again, something softer there or surprise as Addiene regards Saliqa. Inclining her head, she agrees, "Yes, I'd hope that there might be some amongst them whose troubles might be chased away temporarily by music." She pauses, thoughtful again, fingers drumming against the underside of the volume atop which the knitting is balanced. "I would think no songs that include prolonged mention of conflict and nothing with 'hidden meanings' to lecture your guests. I don't mean for it all to be entirely patronizing, you understand, but lighter lyrics might do better. There might be those amongst the group who expect it to be an attempt at re-educating them, you see. In any case, if you'd like to arrange a meeting in which to discuss the matter further, I'm sure my colleagues and I could oblige."

Ivana walks back out from the candidates barracks empty handed, and picks up another box. "Landed you the cot in th'back right corner - puttin' y'r stuff underneath. Think *most* of it'll fit," she says to Saliqa, a sympathetic and yet slightly embarrassed half smile on her face. Then off she goes again.

Her hands having found the sides of her skirts, Saliqa brushes absently here and there to flatten the heavy material, mostly caught up in nodding along with Addiene's words. "Certainly it occurred to me to be cautious about it all. Don't want to produce rowdy behavior that will just make things worse for them instead, not my aim, not at all. There's a few of 'em we had at the farm. Nonsense words, all, but good beats, made for the singing and dancing and less for the learning. I wouldn't presume to know how to re-educate a convict. Only present a good attitude..." Movement nearby turns her head and she offers Ivana's moving form a vaguely baffled smile, "Oh, yes... alright. Thank you." Then there she goes. Saliqa's mouth turns down. "Oh! I should've told her she didn't have to."

Addiene's attention is held for a few moments by Ivana's next trip, a bemused smile tugging at her lips. "If she wishes to help, perhaps best to let her," she murmurs to Saliqa. "You could always return the favour sometime, somehow." She allows the smile to form fully and lets it be, even as she speaks. "If you've particular songs unique to your home, perhaps you'd allow us to contact their Harper? That would seem to be the way to go about getting the music correct. And I agree - present a good attitude. Surely there can be no harm in that."

"Yes, I suppose," is said in the direction of the new quarters then, when Saliqa's glanced back, "Certainly. I... well, I suppose I must write home anyway for this, so I'll say to expect something from you and yours. Now, you mentioned a meeting? Shall I be calling on you another day? I'm sure my schedule will be something I must rediscover in the next few days with all these changes. Barring-- well, yes. Changes."

Ivana pokes her head out from the candidate's quarters, a rush or two sticking to her hair. "How much we got left out there?" she calls. "The box wi'th'earrings in it c'n go at th'bottom - ah moved th'press 'gainst the wall. Safe t'come out, then?"

"If tomorrow evening would suit, I'm sure there would be time then," Addiene suggests. "Although, if you need time to adjust to a new schedule, I'm sure it can wait a few days. I don't expect sorting everything so far as the duration of the meeting itself goes will take a vast amount of time in the end - at least, if I'm any kind of decent at my job, it shouldn't do." Again, her gaze wanders from Saliqa to Ivana and though she stays quiet, she does shoot a look in the other direction, off towards her own room.

"Oh, yes, please do come back, Ivana, I'd like to take the earrings, myself," Saliqa's gesturing hand happens off to the side, she's only reacting to the periphery blur that is the even younger girl; her eyes remain on the harper to finish. "I think evening will well do," she says determinedly -- if it wasn't okay before, she'll make it be now. Then her eyes find the book in the other's hands, the collected knitting that she holds out her hands for. "But I'm keeping you from something, you were walking by. Let me take that off your hands, Ivana'll be right over..." If she isn't already, but she likes to make the offer.

Ivana does appear rather quickly, stroking her red hair with her hands so that anything in it falls out. "Coupla kids in there already, waitin' t'see who rates the boxes," she says as if in greeting. "Harper, thanks f'r holdin' my things, ah'll just take 'em t'stores."

"My apologies," Addiene responds, her smile rueful. "I just have to decide which passage," she indicates the book, "to question the children about tomorrow, and if I keep thinking about it, I'll never make a choice." Carefully, keeping the knitting in the neat arrangement she's ordered it into, she hands it over to Ivana, with a quiet, "You're welcome," playfully dipping a half-curtsey to both young women when she steps back. "If we could meet in the classroom, I'm sure it'd be a suitable venue," she adds belatedly to Saliqa. "Good day, Saliqa, Ivana." She's not more than three steps away before the book is open again and it's a wonder how she manages to find her way without crashing into anything, but it can be assumed that she makes it to her room without incident.

Ivana looks after the Harper for a few moments, then turns back to her new friend. "Well, looks like y'r ready t'go on in," she says encouragingly. "Ah didn' try t'overhear anythin', just so y'can be sure. She looked a little distracted, don'tcha think? Must've been a really interestin' book."

Saliqa pulls straight again from having returned Addiene's curtsy, folding her hands under her chest and smiling absently at the younger. "Looks like I am, indeed, thanks to you. And I believe the lady harper is thinking about her lessons, so she's plenty to be distracted by. Wouldn't want to stop her from finishing, would we? Speaking of which, looks like you have a fine pile of your own things here." Fingers drift out and she tugs at the pile of knitting, without disturbing its new organized state.

Ivana looks down at her knitting and blushes ever so slightly. "Certainly got some things done. Ah wanted t'have a chat wi'Milani, t'see if she'd do a trade wi'me for somethin'. Ah'm sure ah wouldn't mind havin' some weyr goods t'take home." She pulls her elbows in slightly so that the armful of knitting she holds pops up a bit more.

"Ma'am Headwoman is of fine character, and you do some good work, I'm sure you two will find an agreeable situation," Saliqa nods with a contented bounce on her heels as she retreats from poking at the items, "After all, I did find the stores somewhat oddly lacking in gloves lately. More can only be welcomed, I'd think. Got all those convicts out there to fit up and the like." Pressing her lips thoughtfully, she then adds, "Your father... was in discussions, was it? How long then, before you think you'll go?"

"Me da says that they're nearly finished," Ivana says, half hopefully, half wistfully. "Don' know how they could be spendin' so long at it, ah've been here nearly a month, but at meals Da says they can't be talkin' t'them all th'time. Weyrleaders're busy, didn't really know how much 'til recently." She grins a little, almost self deprecatingly. "So ah think ah'll be leavin' soon, maybe a tenday're so."

"Yes. Only right for them to be busy, I suppose. Leading and all." Saliqa muses with trace amounts of playfulness before she relaxes her folded fingers to bat a hand in the air in front of her. "Well, good fortune of you to get to go back to it all soon. Miss seeing you about, though. You'll have to write me sometime and say how the necklace is working out when you've a chance to show it off to all your friends."

Ivana pats an inner pocket, and smiles. "Ah will. May th'seas rock you t'sleep, Saliqa. Can't promise th'cot in there's going t'be the most comfortable thing but at least it didn'squeak. Ah checked." And she laughs in spite of herself. "Fortune t'you, hope y'find a friend out there on the Sands." She glances once more down the candidates hallway, then smiles quickly and a little awkwardly. "Ah'll be around here, so no farewells yet. Ah hate farewells."

Okay, so there's a definite jerk up of her eyebrow, the odd almost uncontrolled turn of her mouth in the other direction as Saliqa imagines someone else bouncing up and down on her new bed... but the patronizing smile she forces out eventually becomes real and her hands resting on the other girl's pile of knitting is gentle. "As you wish. No farewells. May the wind be always at your back, Ivana. It was a pleasure to speak with you again." So saying, she dips politely to excuse herself then goes about the chore of fetching up the wooden chest carefully into her arms to be taken to her questionable but inevitable new quarters.

Ivana can't wave, her arms full of knitting, so she just smiles and heads off in a perpendicular direction, pins now falling out of her red braid.

#convicts, #music, #candidacy, addiene, @hrw, !milani, ivana

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