Has my LJ come to this?

May 20, 2004 15:18

you know the person you stole this from how exactly? I know her from such dating periods as from mid-2001 to right now.
top three current obsessions: Cake, pie, Mandy Moore.
if you had to only eat one snack food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Toast. Or does that not count? I like Baked Doritos but toast would go a lot longer as far as me not vomiting.
if you could choose one thing about your personal appearance to change (with magic, not scalpels) what would it be? Minus ten pounds.
if you could choose one thing about your personality to change (with magic, not therapy) what would it be? Be more chill.
say you use a fun yet probably illegal music downloading site - which one do you use? Kazaa LITE.
what is the most crazy outlandish thing you would do for, say, $9.76 million dollars? I think the one with the money should really be naming the stunt. I’m pretty open to suggestion. I’d have a hard time with eating bugs, but I’d give it a shot.
if you had to be a contestant on a reality tv show, what kind of show would it be? The Real World. I would fuck shit up.
if you could only watch one television channel for the rest of your life, which one would it be? Ouch. I guess Fox. It can be their reward for renewing Arrested Development.
top three favorite websites of the moment: Everyone keeps naming livejournal in general-c’mon, I wanna see specific livejournals. I wanna see my specific livejournal. For reals? livejournal, craigslist, moviecitynews.com
do you have a favorite recipe of all time - if so, tell me how to make it right here: (1.) add seafood to pasta (2.) give it to me
book that influenced you as a child: I made my mom read me all of the Wizard of Oz series. All of them. Did you know that dude wrote sixteen of those? Did you know they get really bad after number six or so? Neither did I, cause I was a child. I don’t know if they influenced me that much. Roald Dahl in general and Matilda in particular.
say you're on an airplane - where are you most likely going? Probably Rochester, although I’ve only flown there once. So, if you’re going by frequency of flying there, England.
where would you rather be going? New York is fine. Saratoga is nice too. But if I had to fly somewhere, maybe California to visit peoples?
favorite animated character of all time: I’ll list a few: Groundskeeper Willie; the pill bugs from A Bug’s Life; Zoidberg;
top three movie soundtracks (movies of stage musicals don't count): Rushmore, Trainspotting, Kill Bill Vol. 1
best villain EVER (doesn't matter if they are from a book, movie, tv show, whatever): EMPEROR ZURG
if you had to choose between electricity and running water which would you choose? Yo, it’s NYC, never pick the running water.
having spent a long sunny day at the beach, you are parched. God loves you and opens a deli where everything is free right there on the sand. you have every type of bottled water imaginable right there for the taking - which one do you choose? I choose telling God to go scratch for not just providing a nice water fountain.
really, what should you actually be doing right now? Sending the “student” essay I rewrote for a textbook to the development editor for said textbook. And/or locating the Perkins file.

surveys, mandy moore

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