Mesmerizing II (Rock Week '11, 2/5)

Jan 27, 2011 00:27

As fun as it is to see an artist who doesn't tour so often, the thing about people who don't tour so often is, they aren't really in the habit of changing up set lists. Take Liz Phair, for example. I get the distinct impression that she has her backing band learn about 24 songs, of which they usually play nineteen or twenty, leaving precious little room for variation from night to night. I know seeing her at Music Hall of Williamsburg six weeks after Bowery Ballroom is not the same as a multi-night stand (BY THE WAY THE DECEMBERISTS ENCORED WITH "CHIMBLEY SWEEP" FOLLOWED BY "MARINER'S REVENGE SONG" ON THEIR SECOND NIGHT AT BEACON. I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE, DECEMBERISTS! REVENGE!), and probably the audience overlap wasn't all that strong, but at the same time, I never particularly expect artists with any sense of spontaneity or decent-sized catalog of songs to play practically the same set twice. Liz's set this evening was nearly identical to last month's, down to the order, with exactly four substitutions/additions.

Granted, they were good ones -- another song apiece from Whip Smart and whitechocolatespaceegg, and I love that she clearly saves a spot in her encore for a rarity, in this case the non-album track "Jeremy Engle." But her current touring incarnation would be perfect for mixing in "Jealousy," or "What Makes You Happy," or "Firewalker," so it's a little frustrating when they make only minor adjustments (and continue to only play two songs from the new record). I know the crowd reaction doesn't support this feeling at all, but as awesome as some of the Guyville songs are, I don't need to hear nine of them per set. I mean, I always want to hear "6'1" and "Never Said," but I've seen Liz five times and I don't really ever need to hear "Soap Star Joe" again.

One advantage, though, of drawing from the same small pool of songs is that the band sounded at least as good, maybe even better -- not only do they sound tighter than her previous backing bands (that I've seen, anyway), but they sound like a band that's been playing these songs for awhile, and has found new ways to tweak the guitar lines or extend intros and outros a little. Ditto Liz's singing and phrasing -- everything felt just a little looser and even more confident than the last show. Technically, this set may have been better than last time, with "Uncle Alvarez" and "Cinco de Mayo" added in. But I'd love it if Liz Phair were the kind of artist I could go see more than once per tour and get something more than the same set with minor improvements.

That said, Liz is still awesome.

Got any what (again):

Help Me Mary
Divorce Song
May Queen
Never Said
Uncle Alvarez
And He Slayed Her
Polyester Bride
Perfect World
Oh, Bangladesh
Fuck and Run
Cinco de Mayo
Jeremy Engle
Soap Star Joe
Johnny Feelgood

Health level: 74%. My antibiotics are done, but supposedly they'll be in my system through Friday. I don't think I'm getting quite as winded, but I'm not coughing much less, and I'm definitely not to the phase of my sickness where I can stop taking Mucinex. Also: I'm out of Mucinex. I'd like to feel about 80% for Boston on Friday.

liz phair, rock shows

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