(no subject)

Sep 22, 2005 02:37

I definitely can't sleep. Mainly, it's because I've been staying up late these past few nights to work on college essays. Stupid sleep cycle. I can just hear my mother saying "I told you so!"

So, I was just thinking about random things when all of a sudden this memory from sophomore(?) year popped into my head.

On the bus ride to (from?) ITF, I had a good seat in the back and was all stretched out as it was around 2 AM and everyone was sleeping(man, I was such a bitch about that but it was totally worth it---screw sleeping on the floor) when someone (Hunter maybe? or Steve? I don't really remember, one of the guys from that class) kicked me very violently in the ribs and whispered "dude, look out the window". All across the flat lands of Kansas played these amazing lighting storms. We were the only two awake and we sat there watching them for about an hour and a half. And honestly, just sitting there watching the lightning with the noise of the tires on the asphalt is one of my favorite memories. That's the only year we've had the good luck to be in the right place at the right time for the storms. Oh man, they make that bus ride so much more worth it. Hot damn.

That was definitely the year everyone had a boner for Stevie. Oh geez. AND it was the same bus ride that we read Rodney Dangerfield and put a starburst into an unsuspecting, sleeping Brian's open mouth. And Amanda's getting in trouble for popping the screen off the window to smoke in the dorm. And the Courtney drama. Man, who else but an amazing friend would run downstairs in her towel to get your dorm key? Good thing the hot boy wasn't at the desk because I definitely would have been mortified. Oh who am I kidding? I don't embarrass easily.

ITF this year should be amazing. We'll ACTUALLY go to the porn store this time. Last time that happened was my freshman year. "Tease nipples" --- You fuckin' fatties, what's wrong with you? You are so stupid...Oh, Keara. Oh man! We totally forgot to flash Nebraska last year. Dropped the ball on that one I guess. I have so many great memories from those trips. Hopefully senior year wont be a let down. I'm glad I didn't let Courtney and Julia room together last year. That there would have been some drama. Oh boy.

I miss Freshman year.
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