Feb 11, 2006 18:13
Life is how it is i guess.
Jerry says I should take advantage of my situation. Live it up. Stay single, etc etc.
That sounds great. sounds like so much fun...
one problem, I discovered. Thats not me.
I'm not the crazy, get high, get drunk, party type... not anymore. I am gonna go ahead and say it, I'm the small group of friends having fun/stay in with the one you love kinda person. Thats just me. As much as I think I could change, I don't see it happening very much. It seems like I just need another relationship... Thats what feels right. Maybe it feels right now because of what I used to have.
The question was brought up to me today if I was looking for a rebound relationship. That is another thing that isn't me. No offense taken from the person who asked, but I go out with girls because I like them, not to get over an old one. Maybe thats another reason i'm not the go-out-and-be-single-and-party type. I'll admit, I'm a hard guy to figure out. Even to myself. Somedays, regret. Others, satisfaction. Most days i'm over it, but something still comes up. Of course, we all share how hard it is after it ends, but one thing- and what might make it so hard- is that none of us share the same routes we take after it stops hurting. Stay single, party... look around something more?
I feel life is at a standstill. She's already over it, why am I not? Is it even my fault i'm not yet? shit, it was a year. Seems like it kinda was a big deal.
Oh how i'd like to go on and get over it all, as if it never happened.
hah. Better chances winning the lottery... for now.
Alas... something will crawl through the cracks and approach me as an opportunity- a shed of light when it is most needed.
I know it. Things do become better.
I can't wait for summer.
I'm ready. I'm making a few changes, and hopefully keeping up with them.
Exercising. Situps and pushups in the morning, then running after OTC with Jerry and Justin. Continuing with that for a while, I hope.
Guitar... playing more than I have been.
I HOPE YOU ALL GO TO THE ROCK SHOW! I'm playing at 7:30 i think... but don't quote me on that. Wednesday, Feburary 15th. show starts at 6:30.
I don't know what else to say.
Theres a long process here, that i'm going through. Many others have traveled it, and we all know those people, or even were one at one point. Getting through it makes everyone much, much stronger.
I think I know what I need...
Silver Lake as soon as possible (when it opens in april).. Till then, everyone to Attica!