I had promised to blog about this before November was up and hadn't really found the time to do so. So today is the day. Epcots food and wine festival is held every year from the last week of September to the first week of Novemeber. It's a great time and what makes it unique from other food and wine fest is the experience for traveling around the world. If you are a huge foodie chances are you've been to a food and wine fest with more original dishes and over at chowhound some of the folks say Epcot's food and wine fest isn't the greatest fest food wise for the price, I would tend to agree however the experience as a whole is one of a kind and is so much fun. I try to go every year. Samples run from $2.75 - all the way up to a little over 7 dollars varying from dish to dish. Your average dish is about $4.50. beer and wine are sold for decent prices depending on which stands you hit up.
Now there is something no one can seem to agree on, which way do you start? Do you start off in Mexico and work your way around, or do you start off at the other end in Canada and end in Mexico. I like to start off in Mexico with a margarita but others think that is how you should end.
We had to devise a game plan and the one thing we did agree on was not to try to do every country. You get to full before you hit the 4th one, so we went around and when we got to the end, we went back the other way to catch some of the stuff we miss.
New Orleans BannerOh and one thing you will notice is the Epcot banners that I loved the design off, each one is a stylized representation of the food in the region I thought they were quite fun. Also before I talk about the food I want to talk about my experiences on different days. I went once near the beginning of the fest, once with a pretty large group in the middle of the fest, once by myself and once at the very end of the fest. I would say if you can try to avoid the very last weekend. It is very crowded and even though I've heard they don't run out of things, I did see that they where. The plates were not as pretty, they seemed messier, like the end of a long haul was coming to an end. The best time to come is weekdays. If you have a season pass, or are vacationing try coming on the weekdays it's the lines are a lot shorter.
Being from Orlando meant that we could get some friends together who have season passes, other friends who work at Disney who can get themselves and a few friends into disney as well. So what we ended up with was a group of people who where able to get in free due to family and friends. Thanks to all of those who helped out. This meant more money to spend on food and drink.
So I guess I'll start off with some of my favorites and work around to a few disappointments. As I am writing this I'm also thinking that I will add in a few tips or secrets about Epcot, I'm no stranger to the park, The world showcase is one of my favorite things about Disney World.
Red Snapper EscabecheI really can't decide on a number one favorite but I'm going to say I was so fond of this that I have decided to talk about it first.
Barcelona, Spain
Red Snapper Escabeche paired with
Bodega Don Olegario Abarino wine
The flavor was delicious and it was one of the few dishes I thought really was helped by the garnish of veggies on the plate. The wine which was a tad expensive at $5.25 was pared nicely and we both agreed this was this was very flavorful. The snapper dish itself was $4.50 and was plent on the plate to share.
That is what I liked doing the best. It's sort of tapas style small plates and sharing. Somethings were a bit small other things were large enough to be shared. The other nice thing was going with some of the seasonal pass holders who had already been. They could tell you their favorites and those dishes not one of them disappointed me. The tables around the world showcase are set up to be shared with all fest goers. You can meet some pretty interesting people that way, and its fun to ask people what they liked so far.
Grilled Beef Skewer with Chimichurri and Boniato PurreeThis was the friends favorite including my husbands choice. One friend ordered two at a time.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Grilled Beef Skewer with Chimichurri and Boniato Purree $4.75.
There is enough meat and puree to share but most loved it to much to share it.
I have to say I've always been a big fan of what the Argentinians do with their meat, and not on a perverted level. They just seem to have a simplistic approach that Meat, Bread, Wine. It's a win win situation.
Now on a slightly more perverted note, we couldn't stop making jokes about this sausage from Germany. Try eating this around your friends and see what happens.
Nuernberger Sausage on Pretzle RollMunich, Germany
Nuernberger Sausage on Pretzle Roll with mustard and a Beck's Octoberfest Beer
Chances are someone is going to make a joke especially when said friends have been drinking around the world, but what isn't to love about a nice sausage on pretzel bread with mustard,
I say if you are going to eat a sausage put it on a preztel roll it turns it really makes a difference.
If you ever go to Epcot and you want to try one of the restaurants but you are having a hard time pleasing the group. Try Epcots Biergarten german buffet, it's around $19 and you can order beers as large as your head. The show inside the restaurant is also fun. It's a good time and it will fill you up.
Fishermans Pie and Lava CakeYes what you are seeing off to your right is trash can top being used as a table. Hey it's Disney World it has to be clean. This was a busy area and all the tables where being used so we said, "We see others using trash can tops as tables we can too. What you are seeing here is another favorite of all and two dishes that were large enough to share.
Cork Ireland
Lobster and Scallop Fisherman's Pie $5.50
and Warm Chocolate Lava Cake with Bailey's Ganache $2.75
Lots of lobster and scallop in the pie. It was very filling this is one you should share other wise you may get too full too quickly. The Ganache was excellent one of my favorite desserts of the fest and it also could be easily shared between two people.
Tuna SensationI usually stay away from the sushi at the japanese pavillion. The reason isn't because it is bad, it's just that its typical sushi fare and I already have an off disney property favorite place to go that uses quality fresh ingredients. If you aren't a foodie or are new to sushi hit it up but if you are a sushi fanatic you may find it a bit boring. Well they did something a little different this year that we thought we would try,
Tokyo, Japan
Tuna Sensation $5.75
This was tuna with avacado and a soy sauce type reduction. The size was small and hardly share-able, in fact one friend bought two and dumped both into one cup it looked like a funny tuna icecream cone in a wine glass. I heard someone in the crowd whining about the price for the little amount but my friend liked it so much he didn't care.
Caramel Ginger IcecreamI'm a huge icecream lover so it's no surprise this was my other favorite desert. It was great on a hot day. You don't have to go to the food and wine fest to get this, even though it is an offereing at the food and wine fest. You can get this at the Lotus Blossom Cafe in China. It's on the menu. This is something two people can share during the food fest, or one person would love on a hot day.
Shanghai, China
Carmel Ginger Ice Cream $3.25
They had a booth called flavorhood sponsered by Edy's but it was just the run of the mill chocolate, vanilla, strawberry ice creams. I would they would have had one flavor that was more wild than mild. So I chose this over the flavorhood. The little flecks of ginger where not over powering, and the carmel was present but didn't take over the icecream it was delious.
Chicken Coconut SoupThere are some grassy areas over by the Thailand booth were people were sitting down picnic style enjoying their dishes. People so perfered the grassy areas that the tables surrounding the area were empty. I was afraid of getting my soup all over me, so I headed for the table.
Bankok, Thailand
Chicken and Coconut Soup - $3.25
I loved the flavors of this. I've had something similar at my favorite thai restaurant in Orlando (Red Bamboo). The only problem I had with this soup was the size. Had it been priced at $2.75 I wouldn't have complained one bit.
Escargots Persollade en BriocheI have been going to Epcot's Food and wine fest since the first year they have started it, One thing they have always had was the Escargot in France. For those of you going "Eeewww Snails!" I want to tell you if you love the taste and texture of say buttery garlicy mushrooms, you just might love Escargot.
Paris France
Escargots Persollade en Brioche $4.50
The friends raved about them but I swear they were better in years past. I think they used to do just two but they were larger. The problem I had with these is while they were good, it was too my brioche and not enouch escargot. The one without the lid off was the larger of the 3 and the one in the back seemed like it barlely had a piece. Still good but I would rather have two with more escargot and less bread for the same price. Also I wanted to mention if anyone does the famed drinking around the world journey at epcot, don't miss out on the grey goose slushies at that France Pavillion. They are offered year round and are a great cool drink for sunny days.
Dorothea Piave and Mahon Cheese PlateThey had a cheese stand this year called the mouse catch, get it. lol. Anyway I think they had it last year or a few years in a row, this is just the first year I've bought something there.
The Mouse Catch
Dorothea - Dutch Cheese
Piave - Italian Cheese
Mahon - Spanish Cheese
The cheeses were good, the only problem, with the long line I wasn't explained what is what and couldn't find anything in my festival guide explaining which cheeses. I think by the picture they can be indentified. Any cheese experts out there willing to help out?
Lambchop With Red Wine SauceI don't remember when Australia became famous for their lamb but I'm sure glad they did. This was everything lamb should be. Easy enough to bit off with a nice sauce that didn't overpower the juicy lamb.
Melbourne, Australia
Lambchop With Red Wine Sauce and Murray River Sea Salt with Rosemount Pinot Noir
We liked that they had wine suggestions for a lot of the dishes the ones we ordered like this one really worked well and accompained the dish lovely.
We learned quickly this was a hard dish to share. Someone is going to end up getting just one small bite, so best to get two. The problem is when sharing you don't know while your in line if it is going to be any good. by the time you taste it and want more you don't want to wait back in line so you move on. This is why it is a good idea to get others opinions. If you are next to people who are eating a good conversation starter is to ask them what they loved. especially if they are comming the opposite way you are, it will give you an idea of some of the popular favorites.
Landjaeger German Sausage with Kona Fire Rock AleBrewery Collection
Landjaeger German Sausage $2.25
with Kona Fire Rock Pale Ale $5.25
I can hear the ghost of my ancestors screaming right now, what?? you had a german sausage without a german beer??? but it wasn't that it was that out of all the beer this one was the only one I had never tried. I suppose I should have ordered a hacker pschorr but since there was one beer I hadn't tried I went with that and it was good.
The problem with the sausage is that I had never had it before and it wasn't described well. It's a cold sausage that is cured for 30 days and meant to be eaten slim jim style, or like a small stick of pepperoni. It was really good but it's sort of like thinking your getting one thing and then getting another. On some of these dishes they should elaborate. I am what I would call a semi-foodie I don't know enough to be a foodie but I love food and I'll try anything once as long as it isn't alive or is a developed fetus, or anything having to do with the male reproductive organs of animals. and while I maybe atleast 50% german I didn't know what a landjaeger sausage was until I had one here.
A Taste of SpainIf you aren't quite a foodie, looking to expand your taste horizons but aren't ready to dive off the deep end just yet then this plate from spain is just for you.
Barcalona Spain
A Taste of Spain - olives, tomato bread, manchego cheese, serrano ham and chorizo
This does give you a great idea of some of the insight into the most common ingredients in spain without being elaborate. It is easy to share and a great appetizer.
Chicken Souvlaki with TzatzikiI have a small problem with the Greece booth. It never comes outside of the popular regular dishes we can get anywhere. Greek Salad can be ordered at many restaurants that aren't even greek. and who hasn't had spanakopita or baklava. I want to see them do a classic Moussaka or Saganaki those are all things semi foodies and non foodies would love.
Athens, Greece
Chicken Souvaki with Tzatziki - $4.00
Messy, get a napkin or 5, but good. Nothing out of the ordinary but filling and the chicken souvaki was flavorful, maybe a little less Tzatziki. Like I said I'm still not thrilled with the booth they seem to offer the same things year in and year out. Maybe it's popular, but come one please, pretty please with Tazatziki on top can you add one new exciting dish to this booth next year.
Mealie Soup with Crabmeat and Chili OilSo we are on to Africa, So many people I know raved about the mealie soup but I didn't get a chance to try it until the very last weekend of the fest.
Cape Town, South Africa
Mealie Soup with Crabmeat and Chili Oil - $3.25
This is what I am talking about when I say try to avoid the last weekend. While this was good, i felt jyped out of the crab, it was all corn and potatoes. They were serving it out of a large soup pot in which it looked like it was nearing the end. It was still really good, I was just disappointed in the fact that I really couldn't see or taste any crab meat and it was more of a potato and corn chowder with chilli oil. When I hear my friend describe it, it sounds like a different dish, they also noted that I got a little extra chili oil, was that supposed to make up for the lack of crab?
Beef Empanada with Tomato SalsaNow here is a conflict. If something is good at one booth but upstaged by another dish is it still good? Of course it is but it can be hard to see its merits when there is a shiny A plus big brother towering over.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Beef Empanada with Tomato Salsa $4.25
As you know the number favorite over all and what I ranked as my close second came from Argentina, so this may get over looked but it isn't without it's own merrits. the size was nice and it was flavorful. It was also a kid favorite among those I knew who went with kids I think it may suffer the florida food umbrella sydrome though. Meaning in central florida you can get empanadas almost anywhere (mexican, cuban, etc), perhaps better and cheaper, so I think Disney needs to really think about the florida food umbrella when serving dishes that can be found in florida almost authentically.
Arroz Con Pollo with Dragon Berry ColadaThis is exactly the same thing that was wrong with their Puerto Rican booth this year. It's like they hired someone from some where to bring in food when all they needed to do was bring in someone like my friends mom, she'll cook arroz con pollo, she'll cook anything and it will be damn good.
San Juan Puerto Rico
Arroz Con Pollo $3.50
Bacardi Frozen Dragon Berry Colada $7.25
After eating it, we both thought the same thing " It's not as good as Tanya's moms food." When your in central florida, puerto rican food is every where, why wouldn't disney use that to their advantage? Also the dragon berry colada was good but as you can see from the picture its twinker bell size with a beast size price. Could be better .., hire a puerto rican.
Boston Crabcake with Cabbage Slaw and RemouladeHops and Barley Market
Boston Crabcake with Cabbage Slaw and Remoulade $4.50
They offered this last year except with a corn and barley salad I liked better than the slaw. and here is the point where someone might point out that while I'm so critical of the puerto rican booth but somehow love the boston crab cake that I am not eating in Boston and rightfully so, but this is florida it's not like boston crab cakes are readily available as say cuban, or puerto rican food. I expect all food to be of quality and freshness but I expect more out of food that is common to the area. If there was a disneyland san antonio and they did a food and wine fest and there mexican and tex-mex was not as good as the area you'd be shaking your head too.
Shrimp Stew with Coconut and LimeThis was actually the very first dish I tried and I'm glad I love food because after tasting this I might as well turned around and went home. While the shrimp was cooked perfectly the rest of the dish fell flat.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Shrimp Stew with Coconut and Lime - $4.25
The sauce was not very flavorful, I didn't get any coconut flavor and the rice was just okay. It felt like the rice was in a holding pen just waiting for people, no seasoning and introduced too much to the florida elements. The shrimp you could eat, the rest of the dish you could throw away and not even miss it. That said the size was decent if you wanted to suffer through some medocre rice, but still if not one shrimp a piece.
Grand Marnier Parfait with Orange CoulisI think this is another case of last minute ruins everything. I had this the last weekend, and the booth was running out of things and was in such a hurry.
Desserts and Champagne Booth
Grand Marnier Parfait with Orange Coulis
This could have been devine, and I'm sure it was really good. The one I got was a little freezer burn and frozen solid in the middle with way too much orange coulis.
I can see that this was probably good, at some point, but not when I ate it and I was sad because I was looking forward to trying this dish.
I don't want to end on a sad note because Epcot is awesome there are many great restaurants there you must try from around the word showcase.
The equation is simple open mindedness + appetite + good friends and or family = a hell of a good time.
and omg this post is so long I was going to post my tips and fun stuff about epcot year round but maybe I'll do that in a follow up post. but eat drink be merry and here is the epcot canta-loopy how can you not love the name.
Canta-LoopyOkay don't pull my arm. If you want to know the best drink price for beer during the food and wine fest it is at the japan booth 20 oz for $7.75. The Sam Adams Fest beer for 22 oz is $12 something and it is very good but the bargin is the kirin .
Well I have more to write but I guess I will save it for another blog about epcots year round world showcase fun. Including drinkinging around the world, the snacks around the world, and the lesser known things around the world