(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 18:36

damn man..it's been a looong day
i dunno what's up man but i do know you werent in a good mood..i feel like i cant joke around with you anymore without you taking it seriously..and if that's because of what i think it is..then we need to stop..i value our friendship more than that..i dunno i think im a rather loyal friend and when you get pissed off at something petty like that then i dunno... maybe we should stay away from each other for a little while? i dunno we've been around each other a lot..and i guess we're just getting tired of each other..who knows man..i dont understand what's going on..i dont understand how i feel..i dont understand why you're acting that way..nothing makes sense to me..so im just gonna back off...sorry man
im finished now..
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