stop lying, stop your bullshit

May 22, 2005 18:04

sean..i dont care if you read this anymore.. it's not like i could tell you in person because im better expressing myself on paper..
why call me your friend if your just going to act like an ass on the phone? i asked why you didnt call and you gave me some huge attitude and when i said "okay" raised your tone? what the hell? and then act like everything is okay in school? it doenst make any sense. Why are you different in school (as in much nicer) and you're mean as hell to mean on the phone? Why is it that im constantly getting chosen over by your other friends? Listen, dont fucking flirt with me on the bus if you're just going to turn around and say you were kidding. Why? Do you really think it's cool to try and lead me on? Im all for it sean, but dont be shocked when it comes and bites you in the ass for everything you're doing to me. Stop being so selfish. Dont hang around me in school if you're going to be like that at home and dont call me your friend, and dont act like everything is okay.. because it's NOT. Don't tell me you love me because it's obviously not true. You told me you would tell me when you were going to leave on friday because i wanted to show you my car. Nope, you didnt. And when i called you, you were embarassed by the fact i called. No sean, im done. If im an embarassment and a burden then dont hang around me. It's only hurting me in the end because i know you sure as hell dont care. Dont call me to yell at me if you read this, if you want to call me about this, then talk to me. Im not putting up with your shit anymore sean. I have to try and get away from brandon because YOU keep doing this to me. Why dont you mature some? why dont you think of others, that you say you care about, a little more often. And i'd like to know your definition of love. Because i was obviously mistaken when i heard you say you Loved me. Unless of course, your lying. Get your shit straight sean, because it's getting old.
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