Jun 29, 2003 23:51
So I haven't written in a few days again. But I have been on the go a lot, so that is why. Actually, I haven't even read journals, or got online in a few days, which is kind of weird. Hmmm what did I do this weekend... Oh yeah...First there was Thursday. It was my BEST FRIENDS 21st BIRTHDAY!!! It wasn't that big of a deal, but I did everything I could to try to make Cori feel speical. She deserves way more... but I tried. Joey and suzzy were here along with some texas hot gals and the family. I think... well i hope she had a good time. Then when we took Joey home, I checked my voice mail, and nick had called. that was the second time he left a voice message and I didnt' call him back.. whoops. then just as we were coming over the hill he called again. So I told him I was in Friendship and he told me to stop by. I did, but only for a few minutes cause cori and suzzy were with me, and we made plans for him to come over on Friday.
Friday. Friday I got up and went to the office for a couple hours to get stuff ready for the car wash and stuff. Then it was off to go grab nick. I guess I was a little late, cause when I got there he was waiting.. and said it took me forever to get there. that makes me think... i am always late... that is NOT cool, i need to change that. ok so anyway, we came back to wellsville and played pinochle with mom and dad. We were on the same team, and won again! Tee hee.... Ok then i had to work at Isaac's... bleh! But nick came with me, and stayed the entire time... that is good times! I love it when my friends go to isaac's with me, it makes things so much better... and he was so good with the kids! Seeing men that are good with kids is so attractive. Ok then what did I do... oh yeah! It was alumni weekend so Kat and I wanted to check it out... it being our five year and all. We went and there was NO ONE THERE! So her and Ryan, me and Nick decided to go to Better Days instead. Nick had this silly idea of telling everyone that he was my boyfriend. Oh boy, that was fun! He would put his arm around me, and tell everyone i was his girlfriend, and we held hands... then this one comment.. i saw a lot of people from high school there, and becky and brad and tracey... becky bellows asked what I have been doing... and nick says "me"... i hit him! So yeah.. that was amusing anyway... and when we drove by in the car, he leaned over and preteneded to make out with me! What a fricker! Well that was fun, and then we came home and played pinochle online together. AT about 3am I was getting tired, and had to get up for the car wash, so i said i was goign to bed... he said he would be in after he played one more game... well at 7am i heard the beads on my door and my eyes fluttered open. There nick was with a smile saying 'morning'... i thought i was late and looked at the clock, i realized it was early and was confused... yeah well he was JUST going to bed... what a dork! He is so addicted to pinochle; its so funny. but yeah, so he climbed into bed with me, and cuddled up next to me, and fell asleep... from 7-9:30 i drifted in and out of sleep, but could'nt really sleep that well... then it was time to get up
Saturday. As I woke up I realized Nick would not be any good at the Car Wash because he was so tired, so he ended up going to Scots and slept while I went to the car wash. It was pretty successful... 9 kids showed up, and worked really hard. it was a beautiful day, which helped a lot. We made over $400 which rocks! The only bad part was I was out in the sun for way too long! I am soooooooooo burnt! I think this is the worst sunburn i have ever gotten. When I got home, and Nick and I got in the pool, which was very warm... i thought i was going to puke... and i coudln't stop shivering. But anywho... we got out, and I went upstairs to shower and stuff. Then i came back downstairs to play a game of pinochle with the rents and nick. we drew for teams, and i ended up with my mom. it was getting late, so we said we would only go to 250... well mom and i were kicking nick and dad's butts.... and i know how competitive nick is. so he said he would save the score sheet and we would finish later... because a lot could happen the second half of the game... again i say.. WHAT A DORK!
Saturday night. Well after dinner and getting ready it was time to pick up Sarah and joey and head over to Jamestown. It was an ok night... the cute DJ really needs to work again though, she is much better than the nasty owner! I danced most of the time with Nick... It was a weird crowd though, people I didn't really know, and a lot of lesbians, rather than the hot gay bois. Still we had a good time. Amanda and Mandah were there, I talked with them a bit... Jimmi and Mickey came really late. I said hi to mickey and he came over to hug me, but jimmi didn't say anything to me... that was kind of weird. I dont know what that was about... We danced one song togheter, but that was it for those bois. I got a weird vibe around him. Hmmm I also talked to Justin a bit... nick thought he was cute, so i was thinking about seeing what justin thought of him. So that was about it...nothing overly exciting, but I did have a good time. on the way home, Nick and I slept, but I kept waking up because the frickers were really loud! LOL good times!
Sunday. what can i say i hate sundays with a passion!!! Mostly because I really hate the Texas Hot. But I should count my money, we were really busy tonight, so I hope I made a lot. So there is the weekend.. and now I am sore from sunburn and tired from work. I am excited to see what this week has to offer...