Oct 26, 2004 22:18
All night she told me stories that she'd told me twice before but I didn't care because I'd forgotten them anyway and then there was an element to listening to stories that isn't usually there where I try to remember the end before she gets to it and with each new piece the picture is a bit more complete just like a jigsaw puzzle. She speaks in stories so she knows a lot of them although she doesn't talk much in general so I only heard maybe three or four stories in the whole time we were in that pet store, that restaurant, her quiet Accord, and some of the stories aren't external narratives where something happened to her in the past and it made something else happen, but instead internal narratives where she's figuring out what is happening to her at that very moment and she vocalizes it to you for some reason and at that moment you feel, you actually feel her vulnerability and you know that you are more intimate than when she tells you about her family or some guy she fucked or even maybe more intimate than you would be with her if you were fucking her right then. I like her because she's awkward, but I think I prefer a different kind of awkward where the awkwardness is immediately acknowlegded and just as quickly ignored, and we're moving on to the next awkward moment, rapidly stumbling towards awkwardness, a kind of comfortable awkward.