Dec 20, 2002 03:02
Sunday night/Monday morning, my car ran out of gas.
Monday, went to class, went to work.
Tuesday, went to class, skipped work, went to Denny's at night to study, got back Wednesday morning around 2:30-3:00.
Wednesday, went to class, took a test and got 100%, car didn't start, jumped it, got new battery, went to Lakewood, fell asleep at Tom's.
Thursday, woke up ass early, drove in TONS of traffic, got to class late, got out early, sat on my lazy ass all day, sang with Madrigals at B-Side, went to Denny's to study, got pulled over on the drive back for speeding (supposedly 58 in 45 zone) and weaving around in my lane, got let off without even a warning, got back Friday morning around 2:45.
Still to do:
take final test later today
clean room and pack today
mail cards today
drive home today
dinner at Benihana's tonight
set up Christmas tree tonight
write two 2-page papers by Saturday
write three 9-page papers by Sunday
write one paper about myself
go Christmas shopping for Dad and Sophia