Au_muses Feb Topic: Males and females have never seemed to fully understand each other....

Jan 29, 2008 10:24

...It will probably continue this way, but I think that's part of the magic of it all. -Scott Bairstow

ooc: Part of that plotty goodness series for the AU verse. The second task of the Triwizard Tournament is being handled by all five of the muns in this verse hufflechamp, rockinradishes, sayshisname, bigbadpadfoot, r_moony in recaps. Cedric, Harry, Sirius, and Remus are used in this post with their permission.

When Dumbledore pulled her into his office to discuss the second task, her initial reaction was, "You want me to WHAT?!?" She then proceeded to make him go over the course of events three times, so she could thoroughly process what exactly would happen. Luna trusted Cedric completely, and knew he would get to her on time HOWEVER she was going to be tied up for a hour or more, under water, in the lake that after researching she had discovered wasn't exactly in the realm of vacant.

"You don't have to do this Miss Lovegood. We could always..."

Her hand was up cutting him off before he could get the rest of that statement out. "Oh no, I'll do it Headmaster. It was never a question of whether or not I would participate."

Once the "treasures" were all gathered on the dock, she shot a glance at Sirius catching his eyes and wondered if he was feeling just as bad about not warning Harry. She wasn't above doing everything she could to ensure that one of her boyfriends won this tournament, but something about telling either of them rubbed her the wrong way. So in silence she remained and hoped that they would understand.

The actual act of being placed at the bottom of the lake, seemed easy enough. Perhaps that was what had caused her to question it over and over. After all things that are too easy, are often the things you have to be wary of.

She can't really recall anything after that. The next thing she remembers is emerging out of the water in Cedric's arms and gasping for air. Even the swim back to the dock is a little fuzzy. It wasn't until she was wrapped in a towel and standing in between Cedric and Remus did she fully become aware of her surroundings. Krum surfaced with Hermione and a few more minutes passed. She sunk down to her knees on the wooden surface and stared at the water. It was calm, there wasn't a single ripple. Looking up at Cedric, her expression was clearly washed over with worry. "You saw him right? What is taking so long?" She hadn't really wanted an answer, it was just a natural reflex. Her eyes went back to the water. "Come on Harry..." It's funny how slow time moves when you are conscious of it. For Luna it seemed like hours has passed rather than merely a few minutes before she saw the first ripple followed by Sirius and Gabrielle. It wasn't until she saw Harry that she let out the breath she had been unconsciously holding. She smiled and jumped to her feet applauding with everyone else.

Once Harry was on the dock with his towel and hot chocolate, she kissed his cheek and cheered when they announced that he and Cedric had tied for first in this task, moving to hug and kiss her other boyfriend as well. She was so very proud of them both.

Her smile soon faded as Harry jumped down in front of her and Sirius. She couldn't remember ever seeing him look so angry.

"How could you? How could you let them use either of you? Do you have any bloody idea what it was like to think you both were dead? How could you risk whatever they did to put you out not working? There were creatures down there that could have hurt you!"

She opened her mouth to speak but the words wouldn't come, and even if she had of said something he would have just cut her off the way he had Sirius. When she heard the words, "I can't even look at the lot of you" they cut right through her. She shrugged off her towel taking about five steps in the direction he had ran, then stopped and turned to Cedric. The look on her face basically read, 'what the bloody hell?'.

Great. Just bloody great. Turning back, she watched him run. Her blue eyes were blinking for a few moments before her eyebrows lowered. There was something definitely off about Harry. She would have to be blind not to see it. It wasn't just that day, he had been...well different for a little while now.

Luna knew better to approach him at that moment, especially since he was for lack of better words throwing a hissy fit. Oh but there would be a conversation, and soon too. "I should have just told them...UGH boys!" she said more or less to herself shaking her head before walking over and hooking her arm with Cedric's. No matter how much she tried or how book smart she was, she would never fully understand either of them.


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