Title: I'm Done With You
Muse: Luna Lovegood (with both of her parents and mentions of Harry/Cedric)
Prompt: "To obtain a man's opinion of you, make him mad". -Oliver Wendell Holmes
Rating: PG-14ish for language
Author's notes: Songs used are "How Strong Do You Think I Am" for the cut and "Skin" for the fic by Alexz Johnson, because if asked ANYTHING by her is Luna's jam!
Luna had thought long and hard about what she was about to do. Over the holiday her mother had informed her that she had 'conversed' with her father. It had been several months since she had received the
letter from the man who had contributed to her existence, and although that wound was still a bit raw she was slowly healing. So one can only imagine the reaction to her mother's little confession. Luna had literally froze, staring blankly at Larissa Lovegood.
"I debated over whether to tell you sweetheart, but I came to the conclusion that you deserved to hear your father's opinion of you," Larissa said calmly. "We talked for a few hours and it was all about you. He wanted me to tell you..."
Luna immediately held her hand up and balled it into a fist, letting her mother know she neither needed nor wanted to hear what the man had to say. "I know very well his opinion of me Mum. He has made that quite clear but thank you for the sentiment." She was more than a little angry that he was now using her MOTHER to communicate with her and as wrong as it may have been, she couldn't help but be angry with her mother as well for agreeing to participate in his little mind games. Spinning quickly on her heel, she headed for the door.
"He is proud of you Luna."
I drift away to a place
Another kind of life
Take away the pain
I create my paradise
Everything I've held has hit the wall
What used to be yours, isn't yours at all
Falling apart and all that I'm asking
Is it a crime, am I over reacting?
Oh, he's under my skin
Just give me something to get rid of him
I got a reason now to bury this alive
Another little white lie
Six words. Why was it that all it took were six words to screw with her entire being completely?
She turned and glanced at Larissa, opening her mouth to speak but quickly snapping it shut. There was nothing she could say to that, not yet anyway...and not to her mother. It was then when Luna appreciated being of age more than any other time. Needless to say, all of the Xenophillius Lovegood memorabilia was removed in a very loud and violent way from the Lovegood home.
She spent the rest of her holiday like she would have otherwise, determined not to let her father ruin it for her. As soon as school started again though, she began plotting and once everything was in place she made her move.
It was Hogsmeade weekend, and as soon as they reached their usual spot, she kissed both of her boyfriends slipping a letter into Harry's hand before stepping back and apparating away.
I have something I have to take care of alone today. Enjoy some alone time and I’ll meet up with you later.
The typically thorough eagle had done enough investigating to make any spy proud, and wound up reappearing just outside her father’s office. Not giving a second thought to the people around her, she walked straight to his door and walked right through slamming and locking the door behind her.
“I don’t have time for this, I told you to come back next week.” Xenophillius bellowed not once looking up to see who had entered.
Almost smirking she pulled her wand out from behind her ear and sent a blast of water straight toward the pile of papers he was shifting through. She had never seen someone turn so red before and when he looked up at her, his expression did not change.
“What in Merlin’s name do you think you’re doing, do you realize how many months have gone into this piece,” he practically growled.
“I was simply trying to get your attention, I figured that moving the papers would give you an opportunity to spare me a look. What? Too much? Should I have gone an alternative route?” Oh you better bet she was angry, the tears and distress would come later for now she needed to scream and yell.
Xeno narrowed his eyes and looked her over. “And just who the bloody hell are you?”
Then came the laughter, the dry angry laughter that could send chills down anyone’s spine. “You really don’t know do you?” Marching over she rounded his desk and backed him into the corner searching his face for any sign of recollection. “The hair? The eyes? They don’t even register with you. Has it really been that long?”
“Look I don’t know what you want little girl, but if you don’t-”
“WANT? I don’t want a damn thing from Xenophillius Lovegood!” She didn’t think it was possible for her to be any angrier but he wasn’t helping the situation any. Luna needed to move, needed to do something before she punched the man...or worse. So she stepped back and began to walk around his office, looking at all the objects hanging on the walls.
So, what you had didn't fit among the pretty things
Never fear, never fear, I now know where you've been
Braids have been untied as ribbons fall away
Leave the consequence, my tears you'll taste
Falling apart and all that I question
Is this a dream or is this my lesson?
Oh, he's under my skin
Just give me something to get rid of him
I've got a reason now to bury this alive
Another little white lie
I don't believe I'll be alright
I don't believe I'll be ok
I don't believe how you've thrown me away
While her back was turned he reached for his wand but before he could pull it out completely she whipped around and disarmed him.
“Now now what would your mother think? Attempting to hex your own daughter shame on you Daddy.”
His eyes widened and he simply stared at her for a few minutes. “L...Lu...Luna?!?” Xeno blinked and slinked back down into his chair.
“And NOW it clicks! Honestly father I thought you to be more intelligent.”
“I didn’t, I mean, what are you-”
“Doing here? I might not WANT anything from you Xenophillius but I do NEED something from my father.” Walking back over to him, she planted both hands down on his desk, her blue eyes burning into his. “For once you are going to listen to me without any interruptions." He opened his mouth to speak but was quickly silenced by her wand. "Silencio! I'm fairly certain I said no interruptions." Glaring at him she continued, "you say you are proud of me, but you do not know me nor do you wish to know me. You have NO bloody idea who I am! You don't know what house I was sorted into, or how I did on my O.W.L.S., or what my favorite color is, how I like my tea, and the list just keep bloody well going. I understand that Mum and I didn't fit into your picture perfect life, because one mans trash is another mans treasure. But YOU chose to walk away, YOU disappeared off the face of the earth for YEARS. That was your choice NOT MINE! And I shouldn't have to be reminded of YOUR actions every single day. I contacted you two years ago and it took you TWO FUCKING YEARS to respond. I'm passed that, you didn't want to correspond with me fine! But that should have been it! I shouldn't have to hear from my Mum that you are trying to keep up with my life. I shouldn't be receiving gifts from you constantly and I sure as hell shouldn't be mentioned in your bloody newspaper everyday. It makes it seem like you pity me and are trying to compensate for your mistake. I'll let you in on a little secret though DAD, I'm a stronger, better, more capable person because of what you did. You'll never know that though, because I'm granting you your wish. I want nothing further to do with you. I want you to stop with your tokens and questions. I have people who love me. A mother and two wonderful boyfriends. Yes plural. And they give me more love than you could ever hope to receive. I pity you, because a man like you will never know that kind of love and devotion. I'm going to walk away from this encounter and push every last thought of you into the back of my mind. YOU on the other hand will undoubtedly think of me everyday. I'm done with you, the man I knew died the moment you walked out the door and sadly so did the little blonde haired blue eyed girl you claimed to love. So take all that hatefulness and resentment towards me and let it rot, because you're now free of your only burden."
With that, she lifted her silencing spell and apparated out of his office before he could say a single word. Luna was being quite serious when she said she was done with Xenophillius Lovegood and nothing could change her mind.
I do believe you didn't try
I do blame you for every lie
When I look in your eyes I don't see mine
Oh, he's under my skin
Just give me something to get rid of him
I've got a reason now to bury this alive
Another little white lie
Oh, my permission to sin
You might have started my reckoning
I've got a reason now to bury him alive
Another little white lie