Boy went and fell asleep before I could get him in his car seat to go to the grocery, so I figured I'll let him sleep in the crib until the inevitable half-hour mark at which point I'll put him in the car and he'll fall asleep again to finish a decent nap. That's the theory anyway. So meanwhile I'll do this survey:
1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now?
I'm not entirely sure. The bathtub bar soap rarely gets used. The Johnson's Baby Wash gets used much more frequently, and there's also a little bear and a little Christmas tree soap sitting in the dish. The shower bar soap is used much more often but I'm not sure what that is, either.
2. Do you have any watermelon in your refrigerator?
no actually.
3. Is there anything moldy in your refrigerator?
probably... I just pitched some beans that I'd thought were good yesterday, so there's likely something else in there I only THINK is still good, too
4. Are there any dirty dishes in your sink?
yeah, I think just a bowl that is soaking off sloppy joe.
5. What would you change about your living room?
It would have an upright piano in the corner. It would also magically repel floor dirt so it would need vacuumed less.
6. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?
7. Do you have a can of mushrooms in your pantry?
no, but I think there's a can of cream of mushroom soup.
8. White or wheat bread?
9. What is on top of your refrigerator?
Two woks (one is broken but we leave it up there anyway), my lunch box, and a radio that used to belong to Maggie. And a thermos I think.
10. What color is your sofa?
yuk, they both have way too much orange.
11. What color or design is on your shower curtain?
A Plexiglass door
12. How many plants are in your home?
If by "home" you mean "house," and not outside... uh, three different SPECIES... way more aloes than I can count.
13. How many candles are in your home?
A lot
14. Is your bed made right now?
15. If you have a coffee pot, what color is it?
in a box in the cupboard
16. Electric or standard can opener?
17. Theme in your living room?
Stuff-your-family-had-before-you-were-born-and-gave-to-you-when-they-got-new-stuff. Except for the changing table and the TV stand, which are IKEA. And the TV itself.
18. Colors in the bedroom?
neutral, blue and pink and green quilty
19. Comet or Soft Scrub?
I may have some of both actually. And other stuff too. Whichever's cheapest.
20. Is your closet organized?
to some extent.
21. What color is the flashlight that you use the most?
That I personally use... I guess pink; but whenever JAson is anywhere around it's a moot point. His flashlight, which he carries regularly, is dark gray.
22. What kinds of things are in your junk drawer?
What kind of things AREN'T in my junk drawer?
23. Do you drink out of glass or plastic most of the time at home?
Glass. In fact my mom gave me a bunch of old plastic cups recently just so Sam has something to use when he's big enough for cups.
24. Do you have iced tea made in a pitcher right now?
25. If you have a garage, is it cluttered?
Not particularly, because there's not much in it, but I did trip over a board yesterday and it totally cut up my ankle which was mean of it, so I suppose that board could have been in a place where i was less likely to trip over it. Then again it could have been on Neptune and I'd be no less likely to trip over it.
26. Curtains or blinds?
Blinds upstairs, curtains down. Through no particular planning on my part, that's the way the house came.
27. How many pillows do you sleep with?
two now that I'm not pregnant
28. Do you sleep with any lights on at night?
not in my room, but there are nightlights on all night in Sammy's. And there are always lights outside. I don't mind this, as I had always grown up with nightlights. Mostly because my room growing up got freakishly dark at night. Still does.
29. How many ceiling fans are in your home?
none, unless you count ventilation-type fans. In that case, there is one in the downstairs bathroom and one in the attic.
30. How often do you vacuum?
Not often enough, especially with somebody learning to crawl. And when I say not often enough, I mean REALLY not often....
31. Standard toothbrush or electric?
32. What color is your toothbrush?
purple and white i think
33. Do you have a welcome mat on your front porch?
no but we have one just inside the door. Sounds sort of odd, doesn't it?
34. What is in your oven right now?
two racks and heating elements and probably a good bit of grease. And air.
35. Is your microwave clean or dirty?
probably dirty
36. Is there anything under your bed?
The carpet and whatever air molecules and microbes were trapped there when the box spring was put down. Or, no.
37. Chore you hate doing the most?
sorting white socks. Which, ironically, I have to do this afternoon.
38. What retro items are in your home?
On purpose? A great deal of my music collection and my parents' old turntable. Because we inherited them? ...almost everything.
39. Do you have a separate room that you use as an office?
yes, and I'm here right now!
40. If you have a yard, who mows it?
Jason, though last summer he paid Bethany to do it.
41. Is there anything on your kitchen floor right now?
Grossness-- it totally needs mopped. Otherwise I'm not sure. I think Sam's Bumbo chair is in there.
42. How many mirrors are in your home?
seven if you count the one on Sam's hanging toy. More if you count the ones in/on the car.
43. Do you have any hidden emergency money around your home?
if I did I wish I knew where it was. Actually, Jason puts all his change in a jar, but I wouldn't call that hidden.
44. What color are your walls?
Neutral, except the kitchen and Sam's room are blue, possibly also the downstairs bathroom, and the upstairs bathroom is Too Much Yellow. Oh, and the Book Room is Bagel.
45. Which rooms in your house have wallpaper?
Just this one (the office), but the kitchen has a wallpaper border. Oh, and the dining room has paper halfway up-- I forget what that's called.
46. Do you have a peephole in your front door?
no, I sort of wish I did though.
47. Do you keep any kind of protection weapons in your home?
Haha. The official home protection weapon is a large black military shotgun, which I suppose I would be expected to know the make and model of, but I don't; and when Jason is home there is also an Official Concealed Handgun with Permit-- but for the record, according to the Expert the best home protection weapon IS a shotgun, not a handgun or anything else, because, if it needs to be fired, it is more likely to hit, and the shot has less penetrative ability than a bullet so will be more likely to stick in the bad guy rather than shoot straight through and do damage to property or worse an innocent bystander; and it decreases the likelihood that it WILL be fired because the distinctive click-click of a shell being chambered has a great psychological effect of making people run away. Oh, and there's also a large arsenal in the basement, but this isn't really for home protection, unless there's an invading army or some junk.
48. What does your home smell like right now?
spit-up. No actually there's a bit of a peppery scent in it at the moment.
49. Fave candle scent?
Anything Christmasy.
50. What kind of pickles (if any) are in your refrigerator right now?
This is cool actually-- I'm trying an experiment. I heard that you can recycle pickle juice by slicing cucumbers thin and packing them into the old juice, and they pickle. Maybe not as shelf-stable as if they were truly Canned that way, but good enough for the fridge. Anyway they're Pickling in there now, if you care I'll let you know how they turn out. It's Dill pickle juice, by the way.
51. Who are in the pictures you displayed?
Displayed where? Mostly wedding pictures. Many of college friends and family.
52. What color is your favorite bible?
Odd question. I wouldn't call any of the bibles in this house my favorite. I've got two little Gideon New Testaments, which are red incidentally, which I'd never call my favorite because they're a crappy translation-- apparently the editors were literalists because it disturbed them that the same events weren't related identically from gospel to gospel, and they seriously cut and pasted whole sections of the Passion in all four of them. I never took the Gideons for people who would do that, but whatever. There's a paperback of the Whole Thing, New International translation I think, downstairs, I think the cover of that is white.
53. Do you have plenty of cabinet space in your kitchen?
I have enough cabinet space. I don't have enough COUNTER space, but if I did I'd probably just fill it up with junk anyway.
54. Do you own a stereo?
Oh yeah. Two even, counting the one we bought from the Hankinsons for 20 bucks at the garage sale for Sam's room. That's a one-piece-and-speakers type. The one downstairs is the kind with the separate pieces you hook up.
55. How many tvs do you have?
One. Well, two if you count the one that used to be Marty's but is actually owned by O'Connor and is just hanging out in our house forever, but it's not plugged in so probably doesn't count.
56. How many house phones?
57. Do you have a housekeeper?
I need a housekeeper.
58. What style do you decorate in?
Whatever looks cool when I think about it
59. Do you like solid colors in furniture or prints?
I prefer solid-- unfortunately all our upholstered furniture is inherited and it is printed. Except for the totally falling apart blue rocker.
60. Is there a smoke detector in your home?
There are several, and one does CO too. Not CO2, CO, ALSO.
61. In case of fire, what are the items you would grab if you only could make one quick trip?
AFTER my unable-to-get-out-of-the-house-on-his-own infant, depends on the weather-- if it's cold, coats! I'd grab my writing. The binders or the computer disk.
62. Do you know how to work your electrical box?
what, the fuse box? Sure, you flip the switches.
63. What temperature in your home is most comfortable to you?
I don't know, the circulation's pretty bad, so it's hard to tell. I like warmer in the summer and cooler in the winter, because you're dressed accordingly.
Well, in that time, he woke up (as predicted), we went to the store (where he did NOT go back to sleep, although I could tell he was fighting it), came home, J and I made lunch (we had eggs and bacon and hash browns, breakfast-lunch!) and watched more X-Files and played downstairs and then Sam fell asleep AGAIN and this time he's actually been down for an hour already, I'm impressed. So it's much later today, now....