Dec 17, 2006 13:28
Yea im leaving tonight, ill be back next friday. Things are difficult. I really need to do some thinking about what i want.
Everything is relative which is why people are dumb. Oh this music is the best, no way dude this music is. Its all about what you like. Wether you like the sound of the guitars, the lyrics, the people singing it. It really all depends on what moves you. A lot of music is good thats why people listen to it. If people didnt listen to it then it would be on the radio or it wouldnt have made it as far as making a record. Anal Cunt however sucks. There is nothing good about that. Same with everything though. Its all about what makes you happy and what you like. It is also allowed that you dont understand how someone could listen to that kind of music. Life is all about differences. Think about demicrats and republicans, both sides have ideas, and neither side can see how the other can think that way. There is no right answer. You just have to do what you agree with.
People are dumb.
people like to hear my bass go BOOM!!!
KZOO for the week. What am I gonna do with myself after work?
Need to find a second job while out there, give me more to do and more money, and allow me to pay my bills and have a little extra. I still need to find a place to stay down there too.