Hmm yeah well that certain friend is still being a bitch. I have no clue what her fucking problem is. But i'm not gonna let it bother me cuz thats stupid. Its a waste of time. So yesterday was Leeanns birthday! Whoo HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It was awesome. I had a lot of fun. We stayed up till like 3:30 and then went to sleep. Ashley was snoring and hogging the covers the whole time! hahaha jk. Even though she was! But oh well. So we had pancakes and chocolate milk and stuff and yeah. Then i came home and it got all boring. It was so funny though, cuz we were running around in the houses that aren't finished being built yet and we had just got done watching the Texas Chainsaw Masacer and we were all freaking each other out. And then one time i ran away and everyone was like "omg wheres chelsea" and i jumped out and screamed and then everyone screamed. hahaha so funny. Well yeah. But what sucked was she was there. yeah. The friend. Cough cough. Whatever. I still had a good time even though she was bitchy all through out the party. I guess i'mg onna end this.
hahahah don't even try to understand it. Its an major inside joke.