Mar 09, 2009 12:03
Well, I'm working steadily on Cause and Effect, which is the brand new working title for my epic Psych fanfic. I cannot tell you how happy I am to finally have a title, especially since it's one I'm actually pretty happy with.
I finally started writing the legal scenes, but I am such a perfectionist that I keep stopping and getting frustated with my limited knowledge of proper courtroom procedure. Last night I decided that I need to give myself a break and just write. If I don't get these ideas down I might actually explode. I have all these great scenes in my head, and I need to write them to the best of my ability and screw the rest.
So here are two scenes I have in my head that still need to be written. One is where Lassiter's testifying on the stand and needs to make a tough decision about how to answer the District Attorney's increasingly personal questions about his feelings toward Shawn. I know Lassie's gonna have to answer one very integral question, which would have been only too easy to answer before Shawn was attacked, but now, with his increasing interest in Shawn, he has to pause and weigh the consequences. Oh, Lassie. The other scene I can see and hear perfectly is where Shawn's responding to the DA's questions with his usual amusing, sarcastic, and startling responses. Dude, it's all there; I just need to get it down and outta my head.
I love writing.