May 08, 2010 15:18
Well, hello again Conservative Canadian Government!
Look, we're never gonna agree. You're ultra conservative, I'm a bleeding heart liberal; we will likely never see eye-to-eye. And that's okay, we don't have to. But when you disregard the values of the majority of Canadian citizens, I get a little perturbed.
I was angry when you tried to pass anti-abortion legislation through the backdoor two years ago, and I'm still upset that you slashed arts funding throughout the country last year, so it should come as no surprise to me that you've done it again!
And yet you still find ways to make my blood boil!
Nice job pulling funding from Pride Toronto this year! It doesn't look suspicious at all! It doesn't scream and smack of homophobia whatsoever. Hey look, sarcasm!
Fuck you very much. You are only in power because a) there are too many left-of-centre parties, causing a divide in Liberal support, and b) voter turnout in the last election was 58%. Clearly we deserve the blame. We let you take power, and now we have to suffer the consequences. It's up to us to work together on this if we truly want your old-fashioned, bigoted party to get the fuck out. Make no mistake: the majority of this country disagrees with your bullshit ideologies.
I can only hope your time is nearly up.
homophobia sucks,
canadian politics